C6: yeah yeah and so um is this an old passion or is it recent?
A12: well, it’s been a few years, it must be three or four years now
C6: ah yes
A12: Hmm
C6: ah yes
A12: but I didn’t have the chance to learn before
C6: ahem ahem
A12: there you go
C6: OK, and you’ve already started?
A12: no
C6: a little bit no
A12: ahem
C6: nothing at all
A12: no [laughs]
C6: eh and you say that you [coughs] you like manga
A12: ahem
C6: so in a way you’ve already started
A12: no, because I read them in French [laughs].
C6: yes but it’s still um even in French it’s a way of getting in touch with um
A12: yeah also yeah
C6: with that world no
A12: hmm
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