Advisor 6, Learner 12: Interview 1, Extract 2 (C6_A12_1_2)


C6: so there’s one thing I should tell you too, which is that, um, when you want to, um, you can also, um, meet, um, a Japanese native, if you’re interested.
A12 : well yes, why not
C6: So it’ll be up to you to prepare for the interview, to see what you want to get out of it, but think about it, put it in a corner of your head for the time to come.
A12: Hmm
C6: do you think
A12 : Well [laughing], it’s just the beginning, isn’t it?
C6 : It’s just the beginning, so, um, do you think you have what it takes to, um, start something here?
A12 : Yeah, that should be fine
C6 : it should be fine
A12 : Hm
C6 : We’ll take stock when
A12 : ah maybe in two or three weeks, well yeah, because I’ve got a week’s holiday now and I’m off on placement on the 30th November, then I won’t be back until January
C6: oops, we’ll have to vote before then, eh?
A12 : well yeah
C6 : On 9 November, you know, there’s the Monday just after the holidays, and the holidays end on Thursday.
A12 : yeah
C6 : Right, does Monday mean the Monday after?
A12: ahem
C6: do you think that’s possible?
A12: yeah, that’s fine yeah < yeah
C6 : that’s fine, eh > at the same time
A12 : ahem
C6 : so uh go tac tac
A12 : ahem
C6: and um, and I think that once you’ve started to look a bit at um what’s available to you we’ll be able to um reflect on um what you’ve done and then you’ll be able to take effective paths because it’s true that it’s huge um and then at the same time um it’s possible for you to take the choices that will allow you to be effective + that’s going to


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