Advisor 4, Learner 13: Interview 1, Extract 9 (C4_A13_1_9)


C4: that completely implies another way of working > too and that’s why we work in interviews and not in class, that’s why there are opportunities to be in a group with workshops and so on but um the approach is mainly individual so um well you’ll see < as you go along
A13: *** >
C4: the difference [laughs] I hope that you’ll see what it can do for you.
A13: yes < yes
C4: what > it can bring, but after that, um, it’s clear that we’re on a more, um, qualitative, um, personal basis than, um, groups, but < that’s what makes a difference
A13: heard >


Corpus themes: How do you deal with a sceptical learner? -