Advisor 4, Learner 13: Interview 1, Extract 7 (C4_A13_1_7)


‘C4: well that was the little procedure but that way at least we confirm what we’ve just said there and er this one s- no it’s therefore lessons presentations lectures then you told me anyway also about the little need for writing we’ll note it down so we’ll know we’re going back to it even if we don’t start straight away so in written comprehension it’s er yes writing for the < work what eh I think that
A13: yes yes that’s it yes >
C4: roughly speaking that’s it then we’ll go into more detail < afterwards
A13: yeah >
C4: as we go along, um
A13: it works
C4: um, what else can we do? did I write everything down? well, yes, afterwards we’ll move on to um, talking, but maybe we’ll do that afterwards
A13: yeah yes
C4: eh maybe we can already do one or two weeks um
A13: from < understanding
C4: from > understanding and < then um
A13: yes, so it’s like that >.
C4: and then maybe also a bit of observation, so I’m going to set a little objective to talk about personal relationships social life < conversations discussions
A13: conversations discussions very clear >
C4: because it’s all done anyway, it’s a bit parallel, um, and the stays are noted down even if we think it might not be a priority
A13: no um actually no emergency or but it will be part of something < which would be
C4: and there > we’ll also be in the stays listening to you talk < what, eh?
A13: hum hum hum >’


Corpus themes: What activities should be offered to beginners or learners who are not very comfortable with the language? -