Advisor 4, Learner 13: Interview 1, Extract 4 (C4_A13_1_4)


‘C4: when you start using more generalized terms, yes, and then reports > that’s what we looked for a lot, we necessarily looked for documents that were less than ten minutes long.
A13: yeah
C4: erm, some of them might be a bit long, so when you come across something that’s five or six minutes long, don’t hesitate to work on just two, eh?
A13: yeah yeah < of course
C4: if > this one’s too long we’ll only do a small part of it um we mustn’t give ourselves too big um < too big chunks
A13: challenges >
C4: all at once, but erm, and it’s true that radio and television has given us some great series of three-minute reports, so that’s still < ideal.
A13: It’s perfect >
C4: for um to work on for an hour what + um so those we’d seen + yeah well listen we’ve < already spotted something’.


Corpus themes: How can I manage my interview time? -