Advisor 4, Learner 13: Interview 1, Extract 10 (C4_A13_1_10)


C4: so tell me a little bit about where you are at and how you are < *** see you

A13: ouh pff *** alors > next week

C4: or this week < eh uh if you

A13: uh this week uh I ch- I was just watching

C4: < um um

A13: apart from > Friday late afternoon

C4: yes

A13: that’s it um yes we can try to do < that

C4: but > or if you prefer the following week that’s < fine too, eh?

A13: no no I can > try Friday um

C4: um um

A13: Friday if we say uh five o’clock

C4: OK

A13: yes, Friday it’s not the eighth, it’s the second yeah, Friday at 5pm, during which time I can work

C4: and you can come for how long?

A13: erm one hour one hour and a half erm < I’ve got time

C4: OK >

A13: it’s um I I I I stop

C4: OK, so what we’re going to try is uh we’ll do that

A13: right >


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