A3: in other words, what I’ve understood is that you have to create an environment that’s, um, favourable, um, that allows you to < um
C3: you’ve done it >
A3: yeah yeah yeah I tried some things with some successes with some things that were maybe a bit difficult and then this weekend um I organised so um I had um a table um that wasn’t much use after all
C3: hum hum
A3: so it’s um the place where I do English < with a
C3: um um >
A3: dedicated computer
C3: hum hum
A3: which means I don’t have to worry about email and all the other things that go with it
C3: OK
A3: and I’ve got internet access so < I’ve got
C3: hum hum >
A3: I’ve completed my lexicon
C3: hum hum
A3: erm I read erm so erm the o- the aim was erm a new text erm to understand it to put it simply to understand its meaning
C3: hum hum
A3: so um the way I approached things was um summary after um after the summary so um I went into the introduction so the introduction was quite long for an Anglo-Saxon text um it was more than a page long
C3: hum hum
A3: and so I found the ideas from what I’d already seen, I felt at ease, I had a couple of hesitations yesterday about understanding, which I managed to sort out, because the idea is to understand the structure and everything that goes with it.C3: hmm hmm
A3: so um I understood um the structure of the paper
C3: ahem
A3: and the hesitations, well I was able to sort them out by understanding the structure of the paper
C3: good
A3: so they were misunderstandings like um um how could we summarise this so um announcing something and saying there are three there are three principles and in fact what I didn’t understand when I read it I understood that there were three principles the principles were stated I had understood the principles in fact it’s um that makes four that means that the person um therefore contrasts the three principles in relation to a more general principle which is what they want to propose
C3: OKA3: um whereas at the beginning I had understood a bit more um that there’s a general principle and in it there are three sub-principles there you go so um in the text afterwards it was hyper clear without having read the text in inverted commas in the um classic sense of the term i.e. I took um I took the document and I looked at um the different points that were addressed and so there we could see very clearly the four principles, i.e. I made an effort to be consistent, I’ll say, with the paper, at one point, um, where I was embarrassed was um, with another thing, um, she announced three principles as well, well, three things, I don’t really know what they are, anyway, um, first +[lang=anglais] um, second +[lang=anglais] I think that’s it in English.
C3: yes
A3: and and and and in fact afterwards it wasn’t third that appeared the word third < that appeared that’s it that’s it
C3: formally you didn’t see um >
A3: it was a bit confusing for me because where is the third sound? in fact it was finally +[lang=English] so < finally
C3: um >
A3: it was < and and
C3: um >
A3: it was the third
C3: hum hum
A3: but at the beginning that’s it, in other words between what’s announced, that is to say what I manage to understand, and what’s announced, for me that’s already not bad.
C3: yeahA3: and between what’s announced and what’s, um, what we’re going to be able to find in the sequel, I found the elements of coherence, so that obliged me because I considered that it was an element, um, the skeleton, the structure of what I had to understand afterwards.
C3: um
A3: um spending time to um find the elements and say um what’s this third thing?
C3: there he he he < he he he
A3: so unravel a bit more > i.e. I have different levels of reading
C3: yeah
A3: um c- in some places well there may be one or two words I don’t necessarily understand I don’t necessarily make the effort um to go and look for them because the meaning is there
C3: um
A3: on the other hand, when it’s an important demonstration and that word means that I don’t have all the elements of the sentence < well then
C3: um um >
A3: I’ll uh
C3: of course
A3: spend a bit more time and the third problem was much more difficult
C3: hum hum
A3: it’s more a question of expression um well I mean a term um um very typical we’ll say like the short point I < mentioned there
C3: well the same thing > yes a < learned word
A3: and there it was > um ah I should have written it down um it was um puzzle but it was um *** +[lang=English] or I don’t know what I don’t know what and um the def- the definition of well the translation of the term was scie sauteuse and I looked it upC3: ah yes
A3: and then I looked at the fact um it’s a way of naming the puzzle um I didn’t understand what it was referring to as such if it was a bit of croquelets or I don’t really know what of the puzzle cut-outs but I went I took the expression as such and I came across game sites so um online games so um I didn’t know that you could do puzzles online but hey as such and I ended up on game sites so game sites um online games so um I didn’t know you could do puzzles online but well < um that’s it [laughs] I wasn’t that surprised I hadn’t seen that’s all but I wasn’t that surprised and
C3: you can do anything [laughs] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah >
A3: as a little anecdote, you could choose the number of pieces and you have an image and it’s cut out in six times six, up to a hundred times, I don’t know < too much
C3: ah yeah yeah yeah yeah >
A3: and so you can choose the type of cut-out for the puzzle
C3: ah ah
A3: and then it’s a mess and then you have to put it back together again
C3: OK
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