Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 4, Extract 1 (C3_A3_4_1)


A3: and what I saw was, well, that’s, um, managing, um, the drifts and then, um, afterwards, um, well, um, we’ll have to see how we still have appointments, but the idea behind it is to take stock of, um, the situation and then, um, well, see at what point there’s a, it’s ripe, we’ll say, for setting something in motion. but the idea behind it is to take stock of the situation and then to see at what point it’s ripe for something to be done because what would interest me in relation to what you said last time is that the three objectives are not tenable in themselves to work on them together but to consider that they are three different objectives.
C3: hmm hmm
A3: and um so it’s three um well sessions um let’s say um three < contracts
C3: missions um >
A3: well it seems like three different contracts to me
C3: um
A3: so um at some point I’ll be more interested in listening
C3: hum hum
A3: and then the other was more about speaking if I’m not mistaken < and um
C3: [laughs] >
A3: so it was more about listening and saying well here we are signing a contract < erm
C3: OK >
A3: erm, so I pay erm
C3: another < training course
A3: there you go >
C3: and your aim will be < to concentrate
A3: that’s it >
C3: um on um on oral comprehension < yes
A3: yeah but I conc- > for me for me it’s it’s it’s clear it’s clean and um commit myself afterwards to something else it’s it’s a start of something else < thing um
C3: hum hum > hum hum
A3: and um < you never know
C3: yeah >
A3: what
C3: very well it seems to me that it’s actually in line with what you’ve been saying < since the beginning eh?
A3: hum hum hum >
C3: to say um well I prefer to concentrate on one objective so one by one < et cetera
A3: m- me > I’m interested in being able to go to a conference < erm
C3: yeah
A3: in the United States
C3: yeah
A3: well, in the United States, wherever that < speaks English, you know
C3: in the English-speaking world > um
A3: without necessarily s- that I’ve done a paper but um well I have enough colleagues um that I know well who go there um < to be able to
C3: um >
A3: take advantage of their trip to say ‘OK, I’ll come with you’, which will allow me to see a bit, and everything that goes with it.
C3: yeah, and to meet other uh < other researchers
A3: and I’ve decided to > apply what I’ve got once again this < that
C3: um >
A3: what I tell my entrepreneurs
C3: um
A3: er I I force them to see what I call authentic experiences
C3: yeah
A3: so that they’re in a situation and can see uh you can conceive a lot of things in your head but as long as you’re not in a situation < well there’s
C3: hum hum >
A3: things we have that we < imagine
C3: hum hum >
A3: not even
C3: we can’t predict < yeah hum
A3: and > which also allow me to perhaps understand better, not necessarily to frighten, but it also allows me to demystify and it also allows me to put a lot of things into perspective, I think <.
C3: hum hum >
A3: and that it’s not as bad as all that and so um to be able to implement < this
C3: um >
A3: this type of thing
C3: um um yeah that’s fine no problem so to answer the question make as many appointments as you like until the end of June a priori I was looking at that < um
A3: all right, it’s going to be > quick because in Lebanon at the moment
C3: yes
A3: and that leaves us um the 30th June
C3: yes or or until mid-July but, well, I’m here after that um well um we’re not we’re not obliged to
A3: m- at that point < I’ll put uh
C3: as you wish
A3: a bit later than 30 June
C3: yes
A3: because um, because I’ll have gone to Lebanon and all that, so there are things that might not necessarily go ahead and we need to give ourselves time to get things done
C3: hum hum
A3: um, that doesn’t add up
C3: there will be planes < [laughs]
A3: yeah [laughs] there will be there will be a plane > uh that leaves a bit of time uh Thursday four ah yeah no then maybe it’s not necessarily Thursday
C3: no well then < um
A3: yeah >
C3: well, from July, well, Monday the fourth, er, morning, I won’t be available but < er
A3: erh but if > take Tuesday twelve for example you’re < still here
C3: ah twelve > yes um yes I’m still here yes um
A3: yeah, twelve’s good, there you go umm
C3: well tell me the time that suits you
A3: oh well, one morning is fine, eight thirty.
C3: O.K. + So to come back to what we were saying, from the point of view of what you do to learn, I think it’s good, it’s a good start.
A3: yeah yeah < you have to
C3: there you go >
A3: keep up the pace
C3: after < it’s a question
A3: finally keep > not not just the rhythm keep the context


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