C3: so you get there by train, you get there by plane, you get there – well, and you don’t get there as well at home
A3: that’s it
C3: but you’d like to get there at home
A3: yes, because it would give me a bit more time, um, and because right now, if I look closely, I’m basically optimising my time < i.e.
C3: hum hum >
A3: time that could be wasted in inverted commas I use it in English
C3: hum hum
A3: you see, you remember we talked about um times to be able to do English and then um you said um um television watching films and things like that um or news in English
C3: um
A3: um after thinking about it it won’t work because I don’t do it I rega- < I don’t watch it that’s it
C3: it’s not your uh voilà > it’s not your thing
A3: and so I’d be in a situation where, in my opinion, I’d be more constrained than anything else
C3: hum hum
A3: um so there I am I’m yeah I think I fill in the moments when um I don’t necessarily have anything to do and I do it at home I always have a little shit to do
C3: so if I’m following you well, um, it’s difficult to find a bit of lost time to recuperate at homeA3: yeah, but um, that’s the conclusion I draw from talking to you, but we need to be aware that this also allows us to um um identify ways of doing things.
C3: Well, that means that at that point you just have to change the way you do things and say to yourself, well, it’s no longer about filling in the little gap.
A3: hmm hmm
C3: in fact
A3: I’ve I’ve I’ve I’d started to want to work on it at home and um the time frame was good um I go to bed relatively late so um I don’t finish working too late and at the end of the evening I do English
C3: you tried
A3: yeah
C3: it works
A3: no
C3: yeah, you’re knackered, you can’t say no anymore
A3: yeah, I’m knackered and there’s so much to do that by the time I’m supposed to be learning English it’s one o’clock in the morning.
C3: [laughing]
A3: [laughs]
C3: yeah well that’s uh that’s not worth it
A3: yeah, but maybe, um, it could be a bit different, because anyway the job, um, I’ll do it, so it’s more a case of fitting English in at the beginning < because
C3: hum hum >
A3: the time the time created for English is taken up
C3: ahem
A3: and then um things have to- have to be done
C3: you’ve already tried that
A3: no, I’ve been thinking about it since today < [laughs]C3: perfect well > that’s a concept [laughs] yeah no it’s good of course well you’re going to experiment with ways of organising yourself and
A3: yeah, I’ve got to get rid of things because I’m starting to get rid of things but it’s not possible to say no when you’ve been brought up to say yes < that’s a bit
C3: also knows well > that < [laughs]
A3: it’s not easy >
C3: indeed [laughs] and O.K. so um well when you say fit in English at the beginning um you see it you would see it how you get home and
A3: erm I’d see it erm early evening like eight eight thirty or something like that
C3: yeah
A3: um
C3: that’s it, I’ve arrived home, phew!
A3: well, I’ve already got to – I’ve got to have that in mind because I’d say it’s a motivation < it’s not at all
C3: um >
A3: a constraint because like eight and a half hours ah I’ve got to do English oh I’ve still got all that it’s not going to fit in um who s- that I- already the i- the idea I’ve got to get into a text when I get into a text um I’m motivated < to read because
C3: après voilà >
A3: um < well
C3: yeah >
A3: if the text doesn’t motivate me, I’ll have to find another one < because that’s it
C3: yes >
A3: doesn’t fit and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on.
C3: um
A3: as I’m not always, um, at half past eight at my deskC3: um
A3: so there will be times when there’s no English < and then
C3: yes all right >
A3: and that will be < good too
C3: yeah > that’s fine ok so um by next week um work on the text < in
A3: um >
C3: in the < ah well no
A3: there was >
C3: there will be the huge < it’s between um no it’s after um O.K. so by
A3: no no no it’s Friday it’s Friday um yes it’s >
C3: between now and next week it’s on the tram and
A3: I think between now and next week it’s an um independently I mean of places and time um getting to know the du of the article
C3: um
A3: its structuring all that two is um starting to develop a space um at home in terms of place < and then
C3: um um >
A3: to be um we’ll say um on the computer
C3: hum hum
A3: um and um three is um to fit it into my day
C3: yeah yeah yeah well you can always have these objectives and see how you manage to implement them over the coming weeks
A3: yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll do that, yes >
C3: and then
A3: yeah yeah c- well it doesn’t seem insurmountable to me
C3: hmm hmm
A3: the three uh the three uh yeah it’s it’s it’s my time management whatsoever
C3: hum bah yes yes yes yes [laughing] < it’s central [laughing]
A3: Yeah yeah yeah it’s central yeah >
C3: yes yes
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