Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 3, Extract 4 (C3_A3_3_4)


C3: yeah yeah yeah uh so O.K. so the places to come back to what you were saying
A3: um
C3: um do I understand what you’re saying about the need to find another pff < organisation
A3: no > in addition
C3: yes well < no ah something of
A3: no for me it would be > in addition because um yeah I I I I I don’t think we need to exclude things um it’s here it’s a bit of the trials I’ve done
C3: um um
A3: ah actually ah for the moment what I see is that at home I’ve got a desk that’s ah that’s a bit like this eh?
C3: hum hum
A3: which is quite cluttered and there’s the computer there’s the screen there’s there’s lots of hard disk stuff in the corner and all that so there’s not really any room, which means that it’s not for computer work it’s not for uh uh over-copied reading work and all that, you know
C3: um
A3: and I’ve been reading a lot more on screen lately than on paper, I realise
C3: hum hum
A3: and so when I have to do something on paper I have to get rid of a bit of stuff and then come and look at some space and then there needs to be a bit more space because I need to be able to read I need to be able to write um I need to be able to research um and all that so um I need to make a place my own I need to do something so I’ve cleared a table at home I’ve made more of a mess of it for the moment than anything else [laughs] I’ve moved another one < another pile
C3: [laughs] >
A3: I’ll show you my < desk afterwards it’s
C3: [laughing] you’re going to laugh >
A3: if I find the photo I think that with all the respect I have for your desk I think you’re not the world champion
C3: oh dear
A3: I’ve found the world champion < I’ll get back to you
C3: gosh >
A3: I’ll explain later when I’ve seen your desk [laughs].
C3: It works < [laughs]
A3: and erm > so I need to erm so that’s the term I need to use more we’ll say erm for erm for English or we’ll say generally for erm < for erm
C3: anything >
A3: us and IT
C3: um um < to write um
A3: and I tend > to be connected to the computer all the time er er er there the comfort is that well we have everything in front of us we do < a search
C3: um >
A3: automatically everything < so um
C3: um >
A3: manage to focus on one thing and then um and then make that it’s a bit like that it’s a bit like that the difficulty < in the a- plane
C3: yes >
A3: on the train in < um
C3: um >
A3: on the tram I have to
C3: yes, you don’t have any < distractor that’s it
A3: ah yes at the doctor’s > at the doctor’s
C3: you have a doctor who makes you wait < and a- more
A3: and a- >
C3: he makes you wait more you < say thank you for my English [laughs].
A3: exactly exa- exactly > whereas before I cursed him for the waits < and that I
C3: [laughing] >
A3: I’d phone him beforehand to find out how long he was going to be late so as to make the most of the time and, er, no, no, er, yeah, so I’ve, I’ve, I’ve taken over the waiting rooms
C3: OK
A3: and I’m happy to go I’m happy to go with uh with uh uh my sheets and then uh and then my little dictionary < uh
C3: um >
A3: and my pencil and um I’ve even um wondered if I wasn’t going to um um make doctor’s appointments even if I didn’t need to < [laughs].
C3: ah so then after that it’s a question of > morality are you passing off your English training on the back of < the NHS [laughs]
A3: [laughing] >
C3: yeah, and then, well, tram train waiting room, you’re in a really bad position
A3: ah < yes
C3: between > inverted commas
A3: ah yes all the time all over the place
C3: on your knees < ah voilà
A3: hmm hmm >
C3: and do you want to have a nice place at home?
A3: ah no I didn’t I didn’t say I wanted to [laughs] < I I I I
C3: well then >
A3: I’d be more on the side of I’d have to be a bit on the injunction side for the moment < so there I have
C3: um >
A3: it’s a bit by discussing together that I see um that um finally there are forms that are being put in place that we should invest in others and that um overall beyond English um at home um if we if we put a camera um like twenty four hours um and um to put me in a way we’ll say um put counters where I am and the size of the dot depending on where I am um and the time spent well I think I live in um around my desk what
C3: hum hum
A3: and from time to time I go to the printer < [laughs] and yes
C3: [laughs] >
A3: and um there was a friend from Quebec who was visiting and he did a lot more TV work in three days than I did in a year all the same
C3: yes
A3: so that’s it – that’s my way of life, you could say


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