A3: and then, um, in terms of the good news, I’ve started to make a lexicon.
C3: OK, in what form < paper, no \logicieldetraitementdetexte1\?
A3: erm \logicieldetraitementdetexte1\h > yeah \logicieldetraitementdetexte1\h well for the moment there’s one page so erm I mean I’ve typed some stuff but the idea is it’s a bit disorganised maybe find another way a bit more erm A B C D an alphabet book you know
C3: hum hum
A3: um which would allow us to um with slightly different entries well I don’t know < see or themes
C3: thematic no or > I mean it also depends on what you’re doing
A3: well for the moment um it’s not so much vocabulary it’s more um pa- the the what do you call coordination stuff but I don’t even know what it’s called um all the < the little words um all that’s it
C3: yes, all the linking words that allow you to > de voilà de < d’a-
A3: um >
C3: add < position
A3: voilà >
C3: ideas and so on, yes
A3: so the thing is, I’ve done it, I haven’t reread it yet, i.e. I think what’s interesting is to have a look at it from time to time, so, er, that’s it, that’s another element, that’s time.
C3: yeah
A3: time, um, because, um, if I give it time, time will take me away
C3: yeah [laughs] but yes < I think that
A3: classic eh >C3: we are we are < many
A3: and and > I see the difference is that I finished the article last week and I haven’t done any English since.
C3: OK
A3: I haven’t redone my English, I’ve edited another article by the same author, so < as a result
C3: hum hum >
A3: it should go quicker because there’s a certain redundancy in the themes, erm…
C3: hum hum
A3: the way of approaching all this um in- in brackets
C3: yes
A3: I gave the article to read because I work with other people
C3: yes
A3: I gave the article to other people to read and then one person gave me some interesting feedback, someone who knows the North American side of things very well, er, well, er, but more professionally than scientifically, and er, so it’s interesting because he’s given me some additional cultural feedback on the logical approach and all that goes with it, er, which I didn’t have, er, and couldn’t have, whatsoever < so that enables me to
C3: OK >
A3: it allowed me to really consolidate things
C3: hum hum
A3: and um so there you have it he m- and then beyond that he confirmed to me that it was a scientific language it was a scientific articulation so it’s it’s it’s interesting for me because even if he’s an author a bit apart we’re in the entrepreneurial world it’s still academic in the sense umC3: um
A3: I like the process and everything that goes with it because it helps you understand how things are organised.
C3: so that’s how you validate your choice?
A3: yeah > that’s it < yeah
C3: that’s it > um and the so the colleague works with you that’s it < and
A3: yeah >
C3: well, and he reads other things < um, how?
A3: um no he’s more > professional um in he’s in action research
C3: right < yeah
A3: and erm > he’s more of a professional and we’ve forged links we’ll say a bit more than research should allow [laughs].
C3: fortunately we’re still not forbidden < [laughs] to forge links
A3: [laughing] no, but I say that > jokingly, because he’s become a friend and so, um < I’ve had a chat
C3: yes >
A3: with him about what I’m < doing right now
C3: OK >
A3: he’s interested now, maybe he’s going to do a thesis um
C3: OK, yes, so < you talk about that, OK
A3: that’s it, that’s it > um so um yes in terms of time um I see the difference is that when I have objectives pff it’s clear I think I still work quite a lot by objective
C3: hum hum
A3: erm without objectives it’s clearly blurred so erm I’ve I’ve I’ve done nothing erm s- s- s- this week < on the other hand
C3: um >
A3: I think I need to set myself some new goals.C3: yes
A3: erm, and maybe not necessarily wait until the objective has been achieved before starting a second one.
C3: hum hum
A3: but um in any case more by objective to be clear about the work that needs to be done otherwise um um I’ll get carried away by time and then um I won’t be um
C3: um
A3: so um it’s also clear in my head
C3: OK, so the first objective, well historically speaking < I think it was
A3: hum hum hum >
C3: to manage to read the first < article
A3: um >
C3: that’s done um you’ve printed a second text
A3: ahem
C3: so your second objective is still < chronologically
A3: yeah >
C3: but at the moment the next one in a way from a reading comprehension point of view is to
A3: that’s it
C3: to read it
A3: that’s it
C3: to understand it < and to draw from it um
A3: and the and > and the difficulty uh today is rather the def- not the objective definition it’s rather the temporal definition of the objective
C3: ah a sort of a sort of < planning a bit um before we meet again
A3: yeah a bit yeah a bit in that sense, i.e. > that we meet again next week um the objective of having read it by next week is almost impossible but um you need < that
C3: maybe it’s >A3: I know well it’s not realistic either in my opinion but um um I need to give myself a final objective and then maybe some intermediate objectives to um to start um and put the thing I think for example the objective I can have for next week is um to have a general knowledge of the text ie around the abstract around um I’d say a to look at the structure of the text the different parts ***.
Corpus themes: -