Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 3, Extract 1 (C3_A3_3_1)


C3: I had your previous notes in my hands and I-I don’t know where I put them but it doesn’t matter we’ll start like this it’s fine apart from ç- apart from English < which you’re going to tell me about afterwards

A3: erm erm we’re going to do a lot > yeah overall it’s fine yes it’s not too busy < it’ll be fine

C3: yeah >

A3: It’ll make a bit of a link with English, but it’s the same, I can’t do anything about it.

C3: yeah

A3: the end of the year um well, the end of the year is quite busy for you with um

C3: yes

A3: with um all the ministerial assessments and everything that goes with them

C3: ah yes

A3: yeah, we feel like we’re making more progress

C3: that’s all we do < well

A3: yeah >

C3: I think it’s all calming down a bit now but yeah, the whole period just gone by < we were

A3: I know > not how < how they want

C3: card after card >

A3: that we do something, I mean, unless we kill off university research and < and then

C3: yes >

A3: put everything in the C.N.R.S. I don’t see how they’re going to manage to do research in France.

C3: well, yes, it has some pretty profound perverse effects, I think, this whole evaluation thing

A3: why?

C3: in the sorting of activities um

A3: um yeah yeah

C3: in the < priorities in the

A3: yes, yes, yes > if we look at where *** it’s obvious, eh?

C3: here < and

A3: um >

C3: I had your previous notes in my hands and I-I don’t know where I put them but it doesn’t matter we’ll start like this it’s fine apart from ç- apart from English < which you’re going to tell me about afterwards

A3: erm erm we’re going to do a lot > yeah overall it’s fine yes it’s not too busy < it’ll be fine

C3: yeah >

A3: It’ll make a bit of a link with English, but it’s the same, I can’t do anything about it.

C3: yeah

A3: the end of the year um well, the end of the year is quite busy for you with um

C3: yes

A3: with um all the ministerial assessments and everything that goes with them

C3: ah yes

A3: yeah, we feel like we’re making more progress

C3: that’s all we do < well

A3: yeah >

C3: I think it’s all calming down a bit now but yeah, the whole period just gone by < we were

A3: I know > not how < how they want

C3: card after card >

A3: that we do something, I mean, unless we kill off university research and < and then

C3: yes >

A3: put everything in the C.N.R.S. I don’t see how they’re going to manage to do research in France.

C3: well, yes, it has some pretty profound perverse effects, I think, this whole evaluation thing

A3: why?

C3: in the sorting of activities um

A3: um yeah yeah

C3: in the < priorities in the

A3: yes, yes, yes > if we look at where *** it’s obvious, eh?

C3: here < and

A3: um >

C3: I find a lot of yeah a lot < of flaws in all that.

A3: the > researcher’s autonomy takes a hit, eh the diploma, er < it does

C3: yes >

A3: takes a hit

C3: yeah it’s < true it’s true

A3: it’s more devious > than giving a text and saying now you’re going to do this you’re going to do that

C3: yes, absolutely, but then I don’t know what it’s like, um, in entrepreneurship [laughs].

A3: That’s it

C3: [laughing] but in language teaching, up until well, it’s very recent, we always started from a field < we used to do

A3: um >

C3: a lot of fieldwork
A3: < longitudinal

C3: before > f- being able to do < research what we did

A3: hum hum > hum hum

C3: in a way we acted on the < field

A3: hum hum >

C3: and a- and by the time all that was in place we were doing research afterwards that went back to the field

A3: hmm

C3: that’s what we call action research < in fact

A3: yeah, I’ve > already done it, but I feel comfortable with what you’re saying

C3: yeah, so this is what < we’re doing

A3: it takes an incredible amount of time >

C3: It takes an inordinate amount of time, so it’s a bit of an evaluation < of the requirements

A3: hum hum >

C3: of publication, er, well, in addition, er, in didactics, er, our favourite journals < er, are only

A3: [laughs] >

C3: not classified of course or

A3: hum hum

C3: well pff anyway < yes no it’s cheerful

A3: yeah we >

C3: we’ve had a lovely < spring

A3: I agree with what you’re saying, um, that we’re no longer given the means to carry out research, um, in fact if there’s a form of research that’s very academic, um, without leaving your desk, either conceptual or um, quantitative.

C3: Hmm

A3: and which allows you to publish in the best journals.

C3: yes but it’s < it’s it’s it’s it’s

A3: um, of little interest to me >

C3: pseudo-research, it’s < leaves

A3: yeah >

C3: of results but at the < limit eh

A3: yeah yeah absolutely > ok yeah

C3: yeah yeah < ah it’s terrible eh

A3: completely agree > and then uh and then I’m not interested in doing any well I didn’t get involved in research for that reason

C3: yeah well, it’s the same for me [laughs] I’ve got < a big problem with my identity um [laughs] > but [laughs] > I’m not interested in research because it’s a big problem.

A3: but [laughs] >

C3: fundamental < yes yes absolutely

A3: yes, absolutely, yes >

C3: yeah

A3: so as far as English is concerned, um, there’s some good news, we’ll say [laughs], there’s some good news and then there’s some bad news.

C3: some not so good

A3: no, not necessarily bad news, but difficulties

C3: yeah < right

A3: um > the good news is um I’d finally set myself a target um of finishing the article um so I’d started reading and I’d got to the end < by last week

C3: um > ah right < very good

A3: eh so > for last week um so um one I’m I’m satisfied to have reached an objective

C3: yes

A3: so that’s very stimulating

C3: hum hum

A3: so um basically um um the best I’ve come to is the conclusion that I’m capable of doing so that’s not bad at all because I’d never done it before honestly

C3: OK < there you go, so um there

A3: erm I’d > always done a bit of stuff in English erm a lot of abstracts +[lang=English] and not a lot of full texts and so here erm full text erm so erm I’d mentioned it to you erm it’s < that

C3: um >

A3: the fact that it’s really my little hair on what I’m working on made it easier, let’s say, to get interested, made it easier to read < and then

C3: yeah >

A3: also comprehension, i.e. I had less hesitation about the meaning, do you remember at the beginning you gave me a CD-Rom with things to read, articles and emails?

C3: yeah

A3: which were written commercial emails and I told you I had doubts about the meaning and understanding

C3: yes

A3: and I can see the difference is that now I’m in a world I know better

C3: hum hum

A3: so the misunderstanding doesn’t make sense [laughs].

C3: very well no but it’s < well said

A3: yeah >

C3: that’s it < yeah absolutely

A3: and um > the misinterpretation doesn’t make sense and when there’s hesitation hesitation is much weaker it rains- it rains much more quickly

C3: there you go

A3: so erm so that brings me back to what I mentioned erm last time that reinforces my idea of doing research erm of approaching English through research as I do for erm in a francophone way ie < an author

C3: yeah >

A3: erm to look at what he’s doing and then erm erm the other authors they’ve cited the most to be able to go on from there and so on < what in fact?

C3: hum hum >

A3: a well-established strategy and um so that’s an important element


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