C3: so here’s the time to do your best I can’t tell you < er other
A3: yeah >
C3: do the best you can, no guilt or anything, you just enjoy everything you can according to < your needs.
A3: so there was a > thing I had to excuse me for < cutting you off j- j- j- j-
C3: yes please >
A3: I’d thought of something to do with listening, but now it might bother me a bit less, because I travel a lot, especially by car, and so at some point I need to have things to listen to
C3: yes
A3: things to listen to < um
C3: yeah >
A3: for um well for the ear < for understanding things like that
C3: yeah yeah yeah >
A3: eh since we talked about mixing the objectives < as such
C3: yeah > yeah
A3: on the other hand, my question mark is um um it’s not what is listening because I can listen to almost anything but < but no but um
C3: [laughing] maybe not >A3: what I mean is um where can I find resources to put in a CD player for example or put it on um a digital player that I can plug into the car um where can I find resources that allow me to say and what type of resources should I um
C3: what do you have in your car, an M.P.3 player or < a player
A3: I don’t know, I’m changing > cars next week I’d say
C3: oh well, then it will have M.P.3 in all the new cars
A3: yeah, but it’s not new, it’s second-hand
C3: ah well then pay attention to that
A3: yes
C3: can you get < the
A3: normally I can > I can put the one a digital reader on it so I have a digital reader
C3: OK, so um < you can, I don’t think there’ll be any problem
A3: so um I need to > be able to put something on um my digital player um something to listen to it’s < everything
C3: there you go > OK, so things to listen to, um understanding was pretty much directed towards the < lectures
A3: hum hum hum >
C3: eh um so at that point what I might need to see is um
A3: well, I can get lectures in English on my subject, can I, can I go and look at things like that too?
C3: do you have any?
A3: erm >C3: have you, um
A3: well I haven’t looked yet < but um
C3: yeah >
A3: but I can find some
C3: if you can find conferences that interest you because < that’s it
A3: hum hum >
C3: that too eh uh well we have them in the database you won’t be able to copy them I don’t think [laughs] < that wouldn’t be right
A3: oh >
C3: very normal well [laughs] to be seen
A3: well l- now the resources can be copied, they were texts \ textprocessing1\.
C3: euh in text but to listen
A3: no
C3: ah les les c’est les fichiers sons hein si vous < qu’il faut trouver
A3: yeah >
C3: if you want to listen in the car at that point, what I would say to you is to take um find something that’s like a conference um < eh eh presentation
A3: um >
C3: et cetera um maybe anyway well you can always try but c- don’t be surprised if you find it difficult um if you put it like that right off the bat it could be really difficult
A3: um um ah yes yes yes
C3: so maybe do a bit of preparatory work before you get in the car [laughs].
A3: to decipher the elements a bit
C3: so that you can start to see what’s going on and then, in relation to the portal, well, there will be conferences that aren’t in your field, but conferences nonethelessA3: no, that’s true
C3: and so, as a result of the work, er, moreover, er, so I don’t know, er, it’s always the same problem in relation to that, er, I – you didn’t have any problems installing < the other one
A3: no > but there was no installation
C3: there wasn’t one, I think you have to install it < and you don’t have to
A3: oh that should be fine >
C3: have a machine that’s too recent
A3: well, that was a mistake, I’ve got operating system 1
C3: yeah so it’s not going to work on it + because that one was good it’s called listening to < readings + [lang=English] so um
A3: hum hum hum >
C3: listening to lectures but you need an old machine so maybe I’ll see if we could uh I don’t know if we still have one but if we do maybe lend you a machine
A3: um
C3: if you wouldn’t mind bringing another machine < I’ll make a note of it
A3: so what do you > call old
C3: \operatingsystem1\ operatingsystem1\ < uh
A3: well, \operating1system is good >
C3: there you go < I think that’s it
A3: no but it’s good > I’ve got old machines so
C3: what did I see + \operatingsystem1 \operatingsystem1 \operatingsystem1 \operatingsystem1A3: well \systèm exploitation1\ I still have a computer with \systèm exploitation1\
C3: no, on \systememploitation1\ they say not recommended +[lang=anglais] so it’s not \systememploitation1\ but on the other hand \systememploitation1\ a priori it works
A3: OK, well we can try
C3: if you have um well then always try to install it < because that
A3: um >
C3: can help you start to see how to work on listening to this kind of material
A3: right
C3: um and um well so it’s *** I’m going to make a note of what I lend you anyway because < if someone else does it
A3: I don’t mind >
C3: you were looking for it O.K. there you go so um yes so the idea would be to prepare you a bit before getting in the < car with it
A3: um >
C3: the document otherwise you might not < understand anything
A3: um >
C3: as already in the car you need to have some of your attention [laughs] directed elsewhere it’s not necessarily the easiest thing to do
A3: um < OK
C3: to start with > eh but on the other hand if you’ve um started to work so on even a so a document that you could put um that you could retrieve an audio document or another < conference
A3: um >
C3: First you listen to it quietly in your seat with um all the tools for um and then you listen to it again in the carA3: yeah well yes
C3: eh but there you go um yeah so yeah well listen um what could I have forgotten to tell you about this no well no problem for me your analysis is really good um
A3: let’s carry on like this
C3: I think so < if that’s OK with you [laughs].
A3: It works yeah yeah it suits me fine >
C3: very good
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