C3: at the moment, so the way you started to read the text there
A3: um
C3: so you’re happy with it
A3: erm that satisfies me erm after erm erm well there’s another notion which is the notion of time erm the notion of time I’ve had I’ve maybe spent erm two hours I think out of erm two and a half hours out of erm out of everything in a fortnight which isn’t necessarily huge I don’t know but
C3: hum hum
A3: ah there you go so there’s a notion of time ah for the moment it happens a bit at the end ah at the end of time we’ll say at the end of the day i.e. I’ve finished my day ah and so I I I get on with it so that’s maybe a bit different it’s because I was at the doctor’s so ah I was very happy for once that he didn’t make me go straight away < ah
C3: [laughing] >
A3: c- here are some things some things a bit like that and um if it happens at the end of the day yeah um it’s not always easy because I’m tired because < that
C3: of course >
A3: because I also want to do something else
C3: yeah
A3: um because it’s still work without being work but there you go um there you go but so it’s going to take a bit of time to um unpack all the text but um today I want to un- unpack all the text
C3: that’s good < and I think that’s yeahA3: and to a- to go to the end even if it > won’t take me forever but it will take me < some time
C3: it’s going to > take you some time, that’s < for sure
A3: yeah >
C3: but you can’t learn a language without spending time < anyway
A3: yeah >
C3: you can’t avoid that, so < erm
A3: so um > in inverted commas I’m not in a hurry either um
C3: hum hum
A3: erm, the fact that I’m involved in a mechanical process is already important for me compared to the fact that I wasn’t involved in a mechanical process before and erm and then erm to gradually erm create routines we’ll < say
C3: yes >
A3: au- au- au- around that
C3: yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
A3: so um after um so I’d sent you a message um < mu-
C3: yes >
A3: on a in the resources there were other texts but they re- there they were from another C.D.
C3: yeah that I didn’t find here < so you have to
A3: OK >
C3: that I’m recovering so I can’t give it to you < today unfortunately
A3: OK >
C3: um I’ll have to get it back because I’ll have to check with the person who took care of it to find out where it is
A3: um
C3: erm, but it looks like he might be erm, he might be at the centre in Paris, so I’ll have to
A3: ahem ahemC3: the time it takes her to go and so on and so forth, so there you go, I wasn’t able to find it for you for today, um, you’re stuck with it, I mean < I mean
A3: no > no it gives me the opportunity to get into it more < because what is it what is it
C3: to immerse yourself more in it >
A3: the other resources were video resources pff I looked at them frankly they didn’t speak to me
C3: um, they were < videos on tips for writing things like that
A3: yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah >
C3: it was that
A3: yeah
C3: yeah
A3: yeah yeah yeah it didn’t really speak to me
C3: OK < when you say
A3: um >
C3: it didn’t speak to me < it’s
A3: I didn’t understand what he said
C3: you didn’t understand
A3: no
C3: so that’s it then
A3: I wasn’t very, um, vigilant either, replaying the tape several times and < all that
C3: you > mustn’t confuse the two objectives, in fact, if these are videos that talk to you about < com- de
A3: no, but I wanted to see > I wanted to see what it looked like I wanted to see what < it looked like
C3: yeah >
A3: but for me it doesn’t fit with my objective
C3: OK OK, so you’ve got them here it’s more to do with their < theme
A3: yeah >
C3: it’s not in relation to the difficulty of uh access
A3: technical
C3: um no um understandingA3: well, I think there might have been a bit of that < because m- me
C3: because well >
A3: I didn’t understand anything they said, so um
C3: OK, what I just wanted to tell you < is that
A3: but I but > I didn’t immerse myself in a situation to try and understand either
C3: OK, yes, if it’s a video giving advice on reading comprehension < for example
A3: hmm hmm >
C3: well, it might interest you
A3: hmm
C3: you don’t have to spend all your time trying to understand the spoken word < in the
A3: hum >
C3: insofar as it’s not your objective < to work on listening comprehension
A3: well that’s why I thought that, yeah >
C3: you must be able to a- display a script there wasn’t somewhere the script the text in fact < that v- because
A3: yeah, I didn’t notice >
C3: normally you should be able to
A3: ah yeah yeah yeah yeah there should be tabs
C3: there are the tabs at the top < and
A3: well, I’ll have a look >
C3: so you’ll look because then you’ll go straight to the script to see if there’s anything interesting < for you
A3: yeah > that’s right
C3: without < bothering you
A3: yeah yeah >C3: with listening comprehension since that’s not your language objective < no
A3: j’ai fait les > il y avait aussi des quiz là des questions euh des camemberts à la fin pour *** réponse juste ça *** ça avec euh du sens il y avait euh ouais il y avait du sens à donner
C3: hum hum
A3: um in relation to in relation to situational elements um and then there was also putting the words back in order < so a trick
C3: hum hum >
A3: with gaps
C3: hum hum
A3: it wasn’t that bad [laughs].
C3: well then, in this
A3: it wasn’t so bad I’d managed to ah well um there was u- an um a hesitation so inevitably by bringing in we’ll say um um well inevitably that makes two mistakes < or even a third one
C3: yes if you yes >
A3: because it had induced um but in principle I had understood um um in fact it was a text which said um when you write a text you start by setting out the idea then after um um you put it into shape anyway < then at the end
C3: um >
A3: you have to reread
C3: um um
A3: they gave a sequential foreshadowing um of the different stages
C3: OK
A3: so um I understood the trick afterwards it was about the words as such
C3: OK
Corpus themes: -