Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 2, Extract 2 (C3_A3_2_2)


A3: so already for me it wasn’t easy because um we were in a thing she did a work placement she received a letter of attestation um < who
C3: hum hum >
A3: for the good progress of the placement and she replied to this r- to this lett- to this letter so there were things that happened and um that are more or less implied and that I < have to find out about
C3: hum hum >
A3: erm so for me it was c- c- it wasn’t it wasn’t completely easy well at the end I- I had a bit more certainty but erm but it wasn’t it wasn’t easy the text wasn’t thick erm it had to be twenty lines long I think something like that erm so next to that in terms of vocabulary so erm seeing that it was on a *** computer so I made myself a little file with erm erm the words the words that were giving me problems
C3: yes
A3: and which, well, which allowed me to, um, make progress
C3: so the little file you made was in a < in a
A3: a document > \logicieldetraitementdetexte1\
C3: a document \logicieldetraitementdetexte1\ < on your own machine
A3: apart from yeah yeah yeah >
C3: it’s not in the notepad uh < on the here it is okay
A3: no no no >
C3: yes
A3: but I < ***
C3: no but > yes but c- that’s all it is that maybe at some point um I’ll be interested in < retrieving this kind of thing but it’s not
A3: ah of course no p- no problem >
C3: there you go but ok well you’ve done it your way it’s good there’s no < there’s nothing to say
A3: yeah > then after um I worked on the resources- um not the resources the if additional resources that you had shown me so um um the lexicons um then d- d- other that I discovered the names um there wasn’t the thesaurus it was um I don’t know what it was yes finally the name there was dictionary
C3: ah the out- in < the tools
A3: yeah > in the tools yeah
C3: ah dictionary ah well the corpora
A3: ah corpus
C3: that’s it < yeah you went to see uh yeah
A3: yeah yeah yeah I rega- yeah I went to see j- > I find it interesting it gives another um approach um another approach to the terms so I’ve got a I’ve got a I’ve done a bit of work on it um my idea is that I arrive the the the to look for the definition it’s not um well to understand the word my aim is not necessarily to go and look for um in a French-English thing
C3: hum hum
A3: but erm to look it up in an English dictionary < to erm
C3: hum hum >
A3: erm so to try and understand and as a last resort erm to use the thing then the other concern which in my opinion erm it’s legitimate it’s good erm I think I’ve had a frustration for a few years with English < erm
C3: [laughs] >
A3: so I want to do things so I’m I’m happy to have a foot uh a foot in it
C3: hum hum
A3: erh well that’s still learning so that means that learning erh that takes time that doesn’t bear fruit straight away and all that and well a certain impatience erh in relation to erh ju- precisely a bit about all that because well the words I note down but um pff I mean um I don’t retain them um I don’t retain them specifically whatsoever and then I’m I for the moment I don’t feel it um to go and make um a um a sheet and then systematically reread the sheet to learn the < words yeah
C3: um we’re going to talk about > that yes yes < because it’s not
A3: yeah >
C3: yes yes yeah
A3: and then I say to myself, yeah, um, I’m in a backward-looking system, so it wouldn’t suit me, and it reminds me, it reminds me, um, of maybe one of the only times I had to get an average in English, I understood the teacher’s system. maybe one of the only times I had to get an average in English I understood the teacher’s system bah once you understand the teacher’s system you just have to apply the system and then you’ve at least got an average well the teacher’s system was um not too difficult to understand but it still took me a bit of time [laughs] um we had three four sessions and at each session we had grammar words and so on and at the fourth we did an assessment and the aim of the assessment was to re-pass all the stuff as many as possible [laughs]. go over as many things as possible < so
C3: so > what was this assessment like? you had to < write something or
A3: erm it f- yes you still had to > write but we’ll say that the relevance of the sentence wasn’t necessarily erm < assessed
C3: it wasn’t even > very important < to the limit
A3: yeah that’s it > it was before de de de d’utiliser and so um I learnt by heart and then I unrolled the list i.e. I was unable to de de d’utiliser the the list in the disorder but um j- j- I learnt by heart and I tried to place the words what and so that allowed me to have little ten eleven things like that it was great for me
C3: good strategy for < um functioning in the school system eh
A3: yeah yeah that’s it but for me for me > we’re on a strategy um in the short term we’re in < cramming
C3: that’s clear > absolutely
A3: so um well there you go
C3: hmm hmm
A3: little little little little interest for me
C3: um


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