Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 2, Extract 1 (C3_A3_2_1)


C3: not much, so there you go + hum hum

A3: I’m sure they’re going to have a party!

C3: [laughing] So tell me a little about how things have gone since we last saw each other, so now I don’t even know – it’s only been a fortnight < um yeah
A3: yeah a fortnight yeah >
C3: there you go
A3: so how did it go? er, let’s say generally well? er, I felt at ease? er, about? er, about the work? it asked me some interesting questions? er, which pushed me further? we’ll say than English as such?
C3: um um
A3: erm it’s by talking to people left and right erm because English is apparently a black spot for a lot of people so we discuss methods and we discuss erm experiences we’ve had and so on.
C3: hum hum
A3: and then um often in the speeches um what comes back from the people I’ve been able to meet is like um um you have to have practices um around English so that I agree with and then um to say um you have to watch television in English you have to watch um um films in English in V. O. with subtitles and then remove all that and um so um I’ve put myself I’ve projected myself into that position and I think it’s impossible um in my way of seeing things

C3: um
A3: erm because erm erm in fact it would become a constraint so I might do it at the beginning because I’m I’m interested in progressing and everything that goes with it but I’d find that quickly a constraint because I don’t watch TV or very little erm I don’t watch films or very little if I want to see a film I go to the cinema so I can see it in V.O. at the limit < that’s for sure
C3: [laughing] >
A3: but um there you go so um if I put myself in a situation where I’m forced to do things I don’t do on a day-to-day basis um it’s going to fall by the wayside pretty quickly and it won’t be effective so um well I always come back to what I mentioned which is to insist on integrating it into my activities so there’s I’d say a greater certainty so I- I worked on different things eh I worked on um so um I finished I specified the third objective eh so um we had only put two I n- I did
C3: yes, I saw that you had set one < yeah yeah yeah
A3: that’s it > so I did the third objective and then I started with the first objective um so um using resources um so I used resources um um in particular C.D. that was where there were the most things um
C3: so that was the
A3: business +[lang=English] < uh yeah yeah yeah

C3: bi- interactive +[lang=English] it’s that or I know > more what, yes it’s that hum
A3: and so um well the experience is interesting eh um so I- I worked as I did um I- I read sentence by sentence my big worry is understanding the meaning
C3: hum hum
A3: it’s not the- the words as such um it’s not that I can do it but I mean it’s the meaning that I produce and I’ve always had this obsession um of having misunderstandings of thinking the opposite of what the other person might be thinking and that I’d say is beyond the language eh because I remember at the beginning of the research I started um my thesis reading authors who are sometimes difficult to access and telling myself is- do I really understand what he’s thinking?
C3: hum hum

A3: so um I find yes this um this anguish there um or if I read c- the thought of so-and-so is it- est-ce que c’est bien ça reflète bien la pensée on va dire d’un courant ou euh de la discipline ou des choses comme ça donc je suis je suis très sensible sur ces choses là et donc euh euh ça ça se joue beaucoup à ce niveau là ça se joue beaucoup à ce niveau là et quand je lis en français le sens me vient alors que là je suis obligé de faire des hypothèses sur le sens je suis obligé de faire des hypothèses parce que euh je n- I don’t know for sure and so um on the basis of a hypothesis I’m going to complete um the rest of the sentence and if um it holds up I’ll consider it more or less definitive
C3: um that’s perfect < there’s nothing better
A3: and um a- a- after > the the the worry is that I don’t necessarily have a guarantee of this cer- of this certitude that’s my level today < that’s it
C3: yeah > yeah yeah
A3: that’s my level today j- j- I’m finding it hard to so, so um I had a text um um from memory eh it was a text um the first one um concerning um concerning a work placement and the person um was receiving a letter I don’t know if it’s in the sense that she was receiving a letter um from her employer to congratulate her on the work placement she’d had to do or it was more a case of her sending a message following the letter she’d received that’s it


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