Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 9 (C3_A3_1_9)


A3: then self-assessment
C3: then self-evaluation when you’ve been working for a while
A3: hmm hmm
C3: Finally, you’ll find that all your objectives have been entered.
A3: OK
C3: here
A3: so there are eight uh < validation tests
C3: because in f- > yes < they’re not tests because they’re
A3: all right all right >
C3: auto hein donc c’est vraiment vous qui dites et bien par rapport à euh alors faut surtout pas cliquer sur sinon vous allez les valider justement donc euh
A3: OK
C3: [laughing]
A3: OK, it’s < validate and * validate the objectives OK
C3: we find what this this > that you ticked at the < start
A3: hum hum > hum hum
C3: you know in the < list when you said
A3: yeah yeah yeah >
C3: oh yes that yes that yes that yes
A3: hum
C3: c- in the little field that you didn’t fill in < but that you
A3: um >
C3: you can fill it in as you go along if you like
A3: ahem
C3: if you see that there’s another < objective that you want to achieve
A3: hum hum >
C3: wasn’t there and you want to add it, go back to your objectives
A3: it will appear there
C3: and there it will appear the idea is to say well now understand the facts of the ideas uh given everything I’ve done
A3: um
C3: I feel very much at ease, so I think I’ve actually < um
A3: um >
C3: finally, this objective is good and so you’re going to tick the box
A3: OK
C3: it will send me an automatic message
A3: ah yeah right
C3: so it’s bound to be on the agenda for our discussions < because
A3: um >
C3: I’ll tell you then < and so on and so forth
A3: um >
C3: et cetera < OK
A3: it works >
C3: so that’s it, so I’m telling you that it automatically sends me a message, it’s also because, um, I’m your advisor ah obviously [laughs] I’m your advisor and so we’re necessarily
A3: ah you’ve changed
C3: [laughing] in fact um we’re in touch < if you
A3: OK >
C3: would you like to write to me < in
A3: in relation to >
C3: the framework of the system
A3: um
C3: er you know it’s < it would even be better
A3: all right >
C3: for us to be able to see everything that’s going on, um, if you wrote to me through this message service
A3: OK
C3: so it’s a box of finally < it’s
A3: hmm hmm >
C3: a mailbox like any other, but um it just so happens that here < we’ve got the whole thing
A3: hum hum >
C3: of the actions um of your actions in relation to that now if you’re going to tell me um well notice no anything you’d have to say to me in relation to what we’re doing you might as well do it with this < if that’s what it is
A3: um >
C3: very urgent Write to me on my real mailbox because I’m going to check it from time to time – well < from time to time
A3: hum hum >
C3: several times a < week but I won’t be
A3: yes yes yes yes >
C3: all day on it like the other one < [laughs]
A3: hum d’accord >
C3: so um there you go eh but otherwise there you go you can um we’re in touch if you < want
A3: hmm >
C3: eh the machine well I’ve entered some data so that we can be in contact which means that um things like self-evaluation
A3: ahem
C3: I’ll be informed immediately
A3: OK
C3: eh < there you go
A3: you’ve got > an alert < [laughs].
C3: Yeah, I’ve got an alert >
A3: something has happened [laughs].
C3: That’s it, uh, here it is, just as, uh, well, here’s something I forgot to do, I’ll go in, I didn’t do it, I forgot, but…
A3: appointments
C3: here are our < appointments
A3: um >
C3: and I’ll do a little report < on each one
A3: all right >
C3: times < so it’s a
A3: right >
C3: well < c- c- c- that can help you
A3: um hum ça permet de laisser une trace >
C3: it allows you to come back to it and so on to see it again it’s like this in relation to everything that’s up there in the media library
A3: um
C3: is another way of accessing resources
A3: OK
C3: so it’s been done
A3: ahem
C3: you’re going to find familiar things but there are other things too
A3: OK
C3: let’s say you find it interesting, er, I don’t know, you find a theme of some kind and then, well, to change things up a bit, because sometimes there are <…
A3: um >
C3: it can also be tiring to be < all the time
A3: hum hum >
C3: at work or whatever, so you think oh well, after all, I’ll go and listen to something or, well, there you go, so you have another classification, other resources, well, I don’t know, um, you have to put something, um, I’ll put education, it doesn’t change much but it doesn’t matter [laughs], every time you tick something it adds up the criteria and so < reduce
A3: yeah >
C3: gradually um the possibilities
A3: um so there are fifty-six on studies if we go to context we can < specify
C3: so > context are the main contexts that you know because you’ve seen them
A3: um
C3: um in the definition of < needs eh
A3: um >
C3: so let’s admit that it’s good to be logical, eh < not to take away
A3: um >
C3: things that are too aberrant we’ll say study abroad so that’s it we’ve already lost some
A3: hum hum
C3: nine or eleven I don’t remember yes it was fifty six yes


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