Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 8 (C3_A3_1_8)


A3: he’s put on the blues he’s not red < [laughs]
C3: it’s true > yes yes it’s missed +[lang=anglais] yes yes exact you’re right so that means that < there it’s not
A3: hum hum >
C3: it’s not complete, so either they suggest < redoing it or they suggest you do it straight away
A3: um um either the corrections >
C3: to see the corrections
A3: ahem
C3: and then possibly to skip the exercise altogether.
A3: ahem
C3: if you hadn’t done it then, well
A3: OK
C3: um so seeing the corrections isn’t necessarily always something to be ashamed of or < cheating
A3: hum hum > hum
C3: even if you were to admit that you were telling me ‘oulala, I don’t understand a thing’.
A3: hum hum well at the beginning it can help I think yeah yeah
C3: yes < that’s it
A3: to give > meaning to the < sentence
C3: here you > can maybe uh well if you’re stuck stuck stuck well you’ll see a little bit of < answers
A3: um >
C3: and then you start again and then you see if if if if it you finally here eh if it helps you what so here voilà yes effectively the idea uh so when you’re there on so come back afterwards to your desk when you want and < if you
A3: um >
C3: so you want to um change um of of
A3: ahem
C3: eh work no what did I do excuse me I made a mistake click uh there you go if you want to work and come back to your uh objective read well bah you can say uh I I I I start with that as you ve- just explained to me now it s up to you
A3: um < so
C3: if > it’s getting a bit tiresome doing just one objective um < there you go well there you go that’s it
A3: yes yes yes I can still have fun with the others >
C3: you’re completely free in your approach and afterwards we’ll talk about it anyway
A3: ahem
C3: eh the objective is < that also uh
A3: so > I had a question to add to my < pocket
C3: ah > right, so in fact when he suggests resources to you
A3: hmm hmm
C3: you have access to a summary < uh
A3: hum hum >
C3: so if you want to see it better, um, you just click on it and you’ll really have um
A3: hum hum
C3: well um there’s the whole summary but well in general they’re not very long so um you should be able to um + but no I didn’t what is it doing to me I don’t want to go there oh well oh well okay it took a long time so so um there you have little things like that you look at that you say ah yes well I would like to work on that
A3: hmm hmm
C3: it’s something that I feel is going to be good for me so you put it in your um pocket which is there
A3: hmm hmm
C3: it’s a way of classifying, selecting and putting in your basket if < we can do it
A3: um um >
C3: take this
A3: hum hum
C3: the documents you find most interesting
A3: OK
C3: so you’re l- you may or may not use this pocket < it’s not
A3: um > all right
C3: the idea is not to put uh < a quantity of uh
A3: it’s personalised > erm, your choices
C3: you personalise your choices you say to yourself < erm
A3: hum hum >
C3: you say to yourself < well that’s c- that’s c- that’s p- that’s it that’s it
A3: to keep it under wraps um >
C3: I don’t think this will be a bad thing, so I’ll keep it for myself so I can find it more easily.
A3: um
C3: another tool you’ll have when you come back to your page is your history
A3: yeah
C3: but the history, as the name suggests, um, well, it tells you everything you’ve been uh < looking for
A3: um >
C3: um everything you’ve clicked on and um so c- after a while it’s no longer really < um effective well less fa- it’s less
A3: hum hum hum hum yeah yeah yeah yeah >
C3: obvious in any case so the pocket is < free
A3: the the the > resources um are um are um usable online only i.e. for example text it’s not downloadable and um usable at other times um i.e. you need an internet connection to be able < to access it
C3: ah > um
A3: OK
C3: um yes yes yes um unless you can but well it’s not very well I < I understand your request
A3: it’s it’s >
C3: because I also travel a lot and the less paper I have the better off I am < [laughs].
A3: hum hum >
C3: so actually, er < yes, that means
A3: but sometimes >
C3: you’d need an internet connection, yes
A3: OK well anyway um since the idea is for me to be filmed when um um when I’m using the stuff so um it’s better that I’m connected so that means I’m at home and I’ve got my webcam because if I’m reading on the train I might not be able to um
C3: yes, but then I don’t want to either if you want, well there are our research objectives but there’s also [laughs] < your training
A3: yeah yeah yeah yeah > of course
C3: so um well too bad if you’re reading on the train
A3: hmm
C3: erm, at the very most, you take two or three notes and say here I’ve spent erm so much time reading and here’s what I’ve done
A3: OK
C3: what I get out of it < what I get out of it
A3: hum hum >
C3: In three words, you take a few notes and then you tell me about it when we meet again.
A3: um < all right
C3: eh > because I’m not going to hold you back just because of our research
A3: it works
C3: eh, so that was, um, if you like, the essential part of the approach to um


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