Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 7 (C3_A3_1_7)


A3: I’ve still got one objective to set, for example, um, in relation to what we’ve talked about, it would be um, um, to talk, um, so um, I’ve prioritised them, um, the way I work is um, to go for the first objective, um, to go, well, to go quite far in the first objective, not necessarily to go right and left.
C3: it’s your choice < no no no
A3: OK >
C3: no there isn’t then no no um < it’s up to d-
A3: I do as I like >
C3: you do as you like because in fact what you need to know is that you’ve got um well roughly speaking um three three < months
A3: hum hum > hum
C3: um you’ve got three objectives that you’ve prioritised
A3: um < um
C3: I > didn’t even have to tell you, you did it all on your own < so um
A3: it’s a professional > distortion < [laughs]
C3: no doubt about it, no > doubt about it, so there you have it – you’ve prioritised them now there’s nothing to stop you < erm
A3: OK >
C3: from working um < more on the
A3: as you feel it >
C3: two at a time < erm
A3: um >
C3: well, there’s nothing there < no no
A3: no, what > well, what interested me was, um, putting energy into one and, um, well, well, at the beginning, concentrating on one, um, and then, um, after that, trying my hand at two and three to see what happens, um, but, um, I don’t want to, well, my idea is that I don’t want to do one, two and three at the same time, erm, I want to, erm, well, I know myself and I need to invest in one thing in particular to make progress, otherwise, erm, I risk having lots of little things to the right and to the left and then, in the end, maybe not having gone deep enough, you know. I might not have gone deep enough
C3: yeah well that’s your choice < yes if it’s your choice um
A3: yeah my choice [laughs] >
C3: preference yeah yeah absolutely it’s your preference there’s no well you do it like that so in that case it means that you go back so when you’re on an activity page to go back to where < we were
A3: OK > my office
C3: it’s the office, right, and so each time he gives you the last document you worked on, he’ll systematically < display it for you
A3: right > so just to know that take notes for this document, right, I’ll go back over it.
C3: um
A3: if I < go back over it
C3: you’re going to > do the same thing again, if that turns out to be the case
A3: er paf paf paf I don’t necessarily come back er < to the place where I found it
C3: ah exactly where > you were
A3: yeah < or
C3: no > I mean
A3: OK and the second question is um for example there were words so um I complete the words the words are kept
C3: yes so to record your um work you absolutely have to
A3: disconnect [start of instructions in English].
C3: well here he comes again *** you absolutely have to disconnect if you want to < record
A3: OK >
C3: work is very, very important < that
A3: but > um if I so I’ve filled in the words I come back to my desktop um I do something else and I come back to it are the words kept or would I have to disconnect to be able to keep the words?
C3: good question I have no idea < so wait
A3: OK >
C3: see um
A3: maybe at the end of the words there was < something to validate
C3: is that > well that’s what I’m wondering yes I’m wondering wait well we’re going to [start instructions in English] it’s a bit annoying this thing starting up like that without being asked knock knock
A3: well, after that we’ll put a word on um
C3: we’re going to put something so um we’re going to type um ah he wants if I was going to say [laughs] he’ll be happy [laughs].
A3: and that’s when he says the right answer [laughs].
C3: ah then we’ll have detected < a bug
A3: [laughing] >
C3: [laughing] < there you go
A3: or a > trick [laughs].
C3: [laughing] we put anything on him and what is he going to do + oula alors toc voilà et puis qu’je fais après c’est une très bonne < question
A3: is that > the first one was validation
C3: that O.K. [noise for an error in the activity] OK < then
A3: so that’s good >
C3: so we were wrong
A3: OK
C3: that’s surprising < so you have a choice
A3: um > so we’re going to close if we how do we do it for the we close it we close it and we re-we come back to the page later to see if um we still have those crosses there
C3: ah yeah < OK O.K.
A3: and this >
C3: that was your question so we go to the desktop and then we say we’ll come back ah so it depends in fact if you navigate with this if that’s the case I’ll go and see uh no apparently it’s the same as what we did earlier wait a moment +[lang=English] and then he makes the mistake [start of instructions in English] yes we < understood
A3: I’ve just seen >
C3: we’ve understood we’ve understood no so you see he doesn’t keep it
A3: um
C3: so in fact you still have to complete an activity < uh
A3: um um >
C3: to um
A3: um all right
C3: yeah, to, um, to find out what you’ve got < valu
A3: um >
C3: and so just now, so I don’t know if he’s going to oh well, he’s going to put it up anyway we didn’t even have to bother giving false answers


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