Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 6 (C3_A3_1_6)


A3: it’s not that hard no it’s fine
C3: OK because he presents the objectives < um
A3: um >
C3: eh from this um
A3: well there are a few words we’ll say um that pose a problem but it’s perhaps also a good way of getting a dictionary < and then of
C3: um >
A3: to keep an eye out
C3: so overall I would < say
A3: there > that’s fine
C3: you can see that we’re going to take you to < do um
A3: um > there there what I understand is um um what strategy to develop um for well that I don’t know um listen to the details listen to the conversation identify the the
C3: people who < talk
A3: the people > who are talking
C3: et cetera yes
A3: um listen to um the different points that are asked and um meaning behind the word + [lang=English] um it’s remember you well remember certain words no something like that
C3: in fact um it’s how to infer +[lang=English] < do you like it
A3: um >
C3: something
A3: no
C3: it looks like French
A3: ah non mais de quoi de in- inférence
C3: yes infer so < in fact
A3: okay >
C3: yes
A3: right
C3: so in uh
A3: um
C3: people are really saying +[lang=English] < that you must
A3: um >
C3: understand < I suppose
A3: hum > hum
C3: so infer what they are really saying
A3: ok
C3: so in fact it’s finding out more about what’s um a bit implicit you see discovering < um
A3: OK >
C3: what’s a bit implicit O.K. well it’s to um get a bit of an idea I mean to know if you’re going to < manage to get by with that
A3: well the the the the the the the difficulty > that I have um more generally with English is that um it’s almost word for word so the meaning for me my fear um I think it’s also found in other languages my fear is of making a misinterpretation
C3: hmm hmm
A3: not really understanding the meaning because the words put together don’t necessarily give the meaning of the sentence, so that’s my fear, so if I manage to get used to it, I think it should be fine.
C3: yeah yeah um < ok
A3: that would be practical >
C3: yeah O.K. so um well um we’ll
A3: so here it’s an [start of instructions in English] it’s an it’s an oral text then afterwards he he he repeats some elements
C3: here they are telling you < telling you again
A3: um
C3: um what what will lead you to do [start of instructions in English] well then that’s it it’s just an explanation that’s coming
A3: yeah
C3: who comes a bit more so it’s not very uh so [beginning of instructions in English] then he always starts straight away eh [laughs] he starts straight away so uh there you go I think you have to get used to stopping him a bit to take the time to look at uh what and afterwards well in fact there’s a double instruction what < in
A3: um >
C3: that sort of thing
A3: so if I understand correctly you have to finish the sentences well you have to um finish the sentences yeah you have to find the word that will um + the scratchpad + [lang=English] that’s it that’s it
C3: erm yes so erm I wonder erm yes that’s it he suggests another one erm I < think
A3: um >
C3: a priori you can choose to use the notepad there or the one < on the page
A3: OK >
C3: I don’t think it’s the same, I imagine, um well, um, here’s um, in fact, here’s what he’s asking you to do, well, he’s advising you to take notes + < um
A3: I think that if you click on this > you have the sequence and then you have to find [start of instructions in English].
C3: OK, so it’s really very
A3: short
C3: short < yes yes
A3: [laughs] >
C3: it’s really not here are some < very local exercises
A3: there we can we can > we can write on it there
C3: erm I don’t think < that I hop c- there there there yes that’s it
A3: because there’s a hand there yeah that’s it yeah yeah yeah >
C3: yes, so you’re going to write something and then um um + we’re going to listen to see what [start of instructions in English] < ok good
A3: [laughs] >
C3: it’s a lot of stuff right now we’re at the beginning of the start < I think so eh
A3: we’ll try [laughs] > I didn’t understand a word he said
C3: OK, so what I’m wondering is, um, this would be for printing I don’t think it’s going to concern you too much, unless you’re stupid – well, it depends
A3: hmm hmm
C3: it depends if you’re um how I’d put it um < which one it’s on
A3: well >
C3: position what type of position do you work in ?


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