Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 5 (C3_A3_1_5)


A3: now we’ve got listening, speaking, writing, er, one, if I prioritise, er, the first step is reading, the second is listening, because I can go to conferences without necessarily presenting, just to get a feel for things and everything that goes with it, and the third would be arriving, well, it’s speaking, writing, er, as I said, it’s < not it’s it’s it’s ***.
C3: yes um um um yes so if we > quite
A3: and then listening
C3: yes, your analysis is good < in any case
A3: so on the phone > application interviews jobs um advice instructions conservat- conversations discussions courses presentation so it’s more like that exchange with a customer exchange with a colleague information information complaints and complaints first contacts meetings and debates um yeah it’s more like that
C3: well, the same things < um um
A3: um > there < so um
C3: you can- > yes < sorry I’ll leave you to it yes yes yes [laughs]
A3: *** the game the opposite game >
C3: yes yes yes
A3: then understand concepts and points of view so um quite um um understand facts ideas yes understand questions relating to the content presented um if there is a presentation there is likely to be questions um afterwards for the person understand suppositions hypotheses it’s a bit related understand the introduction to a speech um yeah that wouldn’t be bad < [laughter]
C3: [laughs] >
A3: It might help to understand the rest
C3: [laughing]
A3: understand a line of reasoning also understand a synthesis um hum identify an announcement at the end of a speech good it’s not a big deal identify a sequence of ideas links yeah yeah spot the ta- spot the oral writing and the improvisations oh well no here’s the double lift
C3: there you go [laughs] that’s exactly it there you go
A3: so in my resources I should have things that are affected
C3: yes
A3: with an additional objective
C3: exactly so he < has it for you there you go
A3: listen yeah >
C3: took it
A3: he’s > offering me
C3: here it is and so he < offers you um
A3: less CD-ROMs [laughs] >
C3: yes < yes yes
A3: others um >
C3: others here’s a breakdown again
A3: um
C3: between different things so um well if you want then look at a little bit um so that we can see well that we estimate a little bit the mass of CD-rom CDs < anyway
A3: this one > for example
C3: no no but um if you could go down in the lift < there you go
A3: ah well >
C3: so I can see about < yeah
A3: there’s >
C3: it’s a < CD-rom
A3: yeah >
C3: but there are a lot of documents from this CD-ROM < in fact, eh?
A3: yeah >
C3: it was to see um that I < well
A3: yeah >
C3: that I was making progress on the technical side, um
A3: yeah
C3: in the immediate term, let’s say, well, we could maybe try to see if, for example < if we’re blocked
A3: that one >
C3: on that one at random but to see if that’s actually the case so when you click on something that’s actually a document that’s < in
A3: um >
C3: already in the database um you come to this sheet um this < activity page um
A3: OK >
C3: erm and so you generally have [start of instructions in English] [laughs] sorry sorry what have we done I didn’t ask him anything *** so there < [laughs]
A3: [laughs] > he’s autonomous
C3: I’ve got something here, yes, I’ve got a bit of a problem because to go to the how < is it that he’s-?
A3: yeah, he stopped on his own >
C3: what is he doing < well I am I am
A3: well, my question is > it’s not the same, it’s what did he say < [laughing]
C3: but wait, no, I’m surprised > that it started up, er, by itself, that’s all, in fact
A3: in fact there’s a downloading problem he downloaded the sound before *** [laughs].
C3: I don’t s- well in fact it was so you’ve so yeah I was in the process of explaining to you if it hadn’t disturbed me that you arrived on a page < so
A3: um >
C3: said activity and so um in fact it opened there with the notepad < i.e.
A3: um >
C3: you can take notes
A3: OK, at the same time, yes
C3: that’s it but he himself < so um
A3: um >
C3: um obviously um must have but I don’t know why he put sound on I don’t even know which sound [laughs].A3: I think that’s itC3: yes yes but so I don’t know maybe yeahA3: umC3: I don’t really have an idea of how or why he did it but it’s something a bit… well < a bitA3: um >C3: step by step, in a way, maybe to start with it could help youA3: umC3: reassure < in a wayA3: um >C3: before you take the plunge, so when you have instructions in English, is it a problem for you or not, because we need to take stock of what you find accessible or not ?


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