Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 4 (C3_A3_1_4)


C3: well, that’s it, so the first objective has been recorded
A3: OK
C3: from the moment this objective is recorded, um, you can um, well, we haven’t finished, but at the end of the day, I don’t know, we’ll give ourselves a you have how long < time
A3: you tell me >
C3: one hour today < is that OK?
A3: yes around an hour yeah >
C3: OK, so we’ll come back to this later if you like.
A3: hum
C3: I’m going to show you what it’s like < how it progresses
A3: um >
C3: if you then do my resources
A3: OK
C3: you’ll find here the objective you’ve just < entered
A3: OK >
C3: and so
A3: associated resources
C3: here > the machine suggests resources to you it suggests um so um if you then you have all of them it suggests thirty-eight to you there are four of them that are on CD-rom so < that’s where it should be
A3: hum hum >
C3: look at which CD-ROMs
A3: OK
C3: to see < if it’s a
A3: hum hum >
C3: whether or not it’s a big miss compared to what it offers < eh?
A3: hum hum >
C3: here’s the thing um well then it’s subdivided < well of the
A3: hum hum >
C3: learning activities, erm, that is to say, if you like, in our database there are documents that are raw.
A3: hum hum
C3: and it’s you who
A3: OK
C3: learn to work with it it gives you supports but um there are no preconceived activities
A3: hmm hmm
C3: and then there are some where there are pre-constructed activities advantages and disadvantages of the pre-constructed activity < is that it is
A3: yeah yeah >
C3: done uh
A3: yeah it’s more general
C3: before you < yes
A3: yeah > it’s not uh completely for me
C3: absolutely
A3: but if you take a quick look there are some very interesting things < even if
C3: um >
A3: it’s not really directly my area of expertise um about the Boeing company for example um um something about advertising it’s not bad um the youth market in Japan what’s very interesting
C3: hmm
A3: plus it’s good to have a bit more culture um and then
C3: ah voilà donc euh alors il y a de façon assez surprenant quatre vidéos donc vous pouvez cliquer sur pour voir euh ce qui c’est et en fait donc ces sont documents vidéos
A3: hmm hmm
C3: in which people explain something about writing
A3: um < right
C3: so you see > it’s it’s
A3: yes yes it’s a mixture
C3: it’s a bit um at a distance well it’s to < help you
A3: um >
C3: to think about the activity itself but it’s not obviously a support for reading comprehension
A3: OK
C3: eh so there you go it could be surprising well and then um so there are texts what I only see is that there you go they’re very much on C- on CD-rom so um when there’s um this < icon
A3: that > that’s the point of the CD-ROM
C3: yeah um it’s just that it’s not um so we’re actually going to have to find a technical solution so that you can have them < because
A3: um um >
C3: there are a lot of resources coming from there
A3: ahem
C3: so um so we’ll we’ll look at it afterwards um on < a more general level
A3: OK >
C3: more technical
A3: OK
C3: eh so there you go < and so
A3: because after > it’s emails < and things like that it’s less complete so
C3: the emails > here are the emails um they’re here the well the letter too but on the other hand um well um articles um yeah I think they’re all you can go up I think they’re < all
A3: ah they’re > all um
C3: well, I have the impression that yes, all the articles are a bit um different now the aim of this is for you to learn the technique you learn- you a- you well, to help you acquire an um an um strategy
A3: um
C3: to develop your reading strategies and so on After that, the best texts to support your reading comprehension are your own
A3: of course yeah
C3: eh so um well you we’ll see- we’ll look at how um we’ll look together at what we can get out of this eh so that you can work on your own documents which will be the best < in any case eh
A3: um >
C3: in relation to that, so here’s the idea: this need-objective-resources approach
A3: ahem
C3: erm to do erm so erm in relation to writing so here we were talking about work and so on but I don’t think you have so many other erm you have other needs < in relation to writing
A3: well in relation to the written word > no no after that it’s more oral comprehension
C3: there you go, so if you wanted to < think about it
A3: um >
C3: about your needs and objectives and so on, so what < would you like to do?
A3: um >
C3: how would < you go
A3: en en > to complete what we’ve already done
C3: well in fact to en- en en- enter another one
A3: yeah, in terms of needs
C3: which is um necessarily um so always um I imagine um there you go


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