C3: < right now I’ll let you handle it
A3: no no no > no but you can do as you please
C3: well I’d just as much like < you to do it because
A3: yeah, I understand perfectly well >
C3: I think that’s one of the things we do
A3: no problem
C3: it’s one of the things you memorise < maybe a bit
A3: yeah, of course >
C3: better when you do them yourself, so um so that way um in the end um well you’ll have um there you are and then you come to this page
A3: OK
C3: you can see that it’s good you’ll have a bit of reading time um so you have both a menu here on the < left
A3: hum hum >
C3: and um tabs < at the top
A3: right >
C3: like any self-respecting site [laughs] here you go and then little tools here which I’ll explain to you the purpose of our site has been designed in fact to help you first of all to um define your needs
A3: hmm hmm
C3: your objectives and the engine itself selects a certain number of resources for you < based on your objectives
A3: right >
C3: what you are going to enter
A3: hmm
C3: on the site
A3: OK
C3: so um if we start straight away um if you go to my needs we’ll start there so no need < recorded
A3: um >
C3: obviously, so um, obviously a new need and then we’ll suggest some broad outlines
A3: yes, broad outlinesC3: here are the broad outlines < so
A3: so > personal culture diplomas exams study abroad personal relationships social life stay abroad work well that corresponds more to work it seems to me
C3: well let’s go
A3: so um listening speaking reading writing so um and and we can have several needs or
C3: yes well you’re going to < record several rich I indeed indeed indeed indeed
A3: yes [laughs] ok because I think I need them *** > the first is to read the first for me it seems is uh to access we’ll say to the understanding of what is done is to read so application and interviews for a job university advice instructions exchanges with a client exchange with a colleague written uh for work and studies information and complaints and complaints meeting and debate uh I think it would be rather that < written for work
C3: hmm hmm >
A3: and studies
C3: hum hum
A3: write a comment conc- about this need if you wish
C3: so this allows you in fact < to
A3: to specify >
C3: to specify if you have something specific to say right away, you can come back to it anyway < you have to
A3: yes yeah yeah yeah yeah >
C3: I mean it’s not < well it’s something you can do again afterwards
A3: a- a- a- c- it’s the information for me anyway >C3: yes
A3: OK, it’s not information that’s going to be reused… behind that, someone’s going to use it or whatever… it allows me to come back to it regularly…
C3: there you go
A3: OK
C3: so um well, for the time being you don’t have to write anything down if < you want to, eh?
A3: OK >
C3: um, the important thing for me today is to succeed in helping you
A3: um
C3: make sure you understand how it works, so there you go, so I’m sorry c-
A3: yeah no problem
C3: on a small screen < you’re going to
A3: yeah >
C3: always have to navigate with the two scrollbars < because
A3: yeah >
C3: otherwise, um, well, we can’t do it, so this is designed to help you refine your navigation.
A3: hum hum
C3: um
A3: hum hum
C3: here < refine a bit here think a bit more
A3: to be able to think uh there you go >
C3: but what exactly do I want < here’s what I want
A3: hum alors > understand the advice the points of view there’s no problem at all
C3: yeahA3: ah understand the instructions the instructions ah not really understand the instructions and the complete indications not really manuals regulations and contracts ah well we’ll have to see what there is afterwards detailed reports analyses comments presenting opinions yes ah in detail correspondence in relation to my professional activities ah what is correspondence < I don’t know
C3: do you have > a problem when someone writes to you er < if that
A3: emails >
C3: arrives < or you receive
A3: a bit too late >
C3: an email in English, do you want to < work on it?
A3: yeah >
C3: on an email < a- a-
A3: yes >
C3: after knowing that, um, you see, we looked at the needs from a fairly general point of view.
A3: um um
C3: macro
A3: um
C3: we’re starting to refocus on an objective < so f- f- must
A3: um >
C3: you have to think in terms of a learning objective < you mean
A3: well, the objective is more > about reading at that point
C3: that’s it < it’s to
A3: I prefer > um
C3: that’s what I < wanted to get you on to
A3: yeah yeah yeah > not that one um rather an assessment a report an account because that’s also part of the food I’ll get an email a fax um
C3: so these are messages um well it’s < centredA3: um >
C3: in fact on fairly short messages and then < instructions
A3: um >
C3: good
A3: good understand < a suggestion a proposal an offer no recognise the main types of letter no
C3: so there you go down in the lift to the bottom to the bottom [laughs] that’s why < I’m telling you
A3: the the the the lowest > from the lowest
C3: here’s the lowest one because you need to < validate
A3: validate >
C3: that’s quite often the case if you want in that everything you’re going to search for c- sometimes at the bottom but c- that’s because when you’re on a big screen < there’s no problem everything is
A3: yeah yeah yeah right >
C3: entire but on a small screen like this
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