Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 2 (C3_A3_1_2)


C3: I’ve got a little problem, I’m going to go and have a look, excuse me for taking so long, so what I remembered from what we discussed last time was that you actually needed to understand < written
A3: um >
C3: oral expression
A3: ahem
C3: and listening comprehension and all that in the end, um um with a goal um that you can perhaps remind me of < so that I can
A3: a uh > professional goal, so um to be able to work um with an English-speaking community that I don’t work with at the moment
C3: there you go, so you have an am- well the ambition um
A3: um
C3: professional to open up to the world < Anglo-Saxon in fact
A3: that’s it >
C3: that’s it
A3: that’s it
C3: and um so through reading you understand well < also through-
A3: so there are > there are several levels it’s a reading
C3: um
A3: so understanding articles um in the field < I think it’s
C3: um >
A3: the entry point for um I’d like to participate in a scientific community
C3: ahem
A3: erm two then it’s erm to be able to erm communicate erm in conferences < erm
C3: um >
A3: so um presentation and then above all exchange with colleagues
C3: ahem
A3: knowing that the writing itself is, um, not necessarily the problem because we can, um, find funding to be able to, um, translate the paper into, um, good English
C3: that’s what you do eh I < you a-
A3: yes >
C3: I mean, is that what < is your current practice?
A3: that’s what I do at the moment > but erm I don’t do much of it because I don’t have a good knowledge of Anglo-Saxon literature, which means that erm I find it hard to relate a little erm to what can be done in the field whatsoever
C3: yes, a translation is about reaching out to others < but um
A3: that’s it >
C3: So you have a problem with access to, um, access to, um, to the data, um
A3: um
C3: others yes so maybe I’ll be able to do it this time what’s wrong ah all right O.K. that’s it I’ve found what wasn’t working and it’s not at all the extension in there that’s it good I’ll give you so I’ll send you this address there eh < because it is
A3: OK >
C3: is a bit complicated
A3: hmm hmm
C3: when you type in this address you’ll come across this home page
A3: hmm
C3: and um actually you’ll go up there
A3: hmm hmm
C3: so in the blue box at the top to enter a page where you’ll be asked for a login < and a password
A3: right >
C3: so [laughs] I created you < that too
A3: um >
C3: I’m going to tell you all this again, it’s easy, it’s your initial, er…
A3: hum hum
C3: and your name all attached
A3: um and he’s looking for the < name
C3: there you go > so when you do this I don’t know if the keyboard will bother you


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