Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 13 (C3_A3_1_13)


C3: for the moment I’d say use your webcam
A3: um
C3: um < with um
A3: *** >
C3: well as it’s f- planned on your laptop so it’s going to record um no doubt um then afterwards you have to find out where because < some
A3: because > you want me to describe what I’m doing i.e. um because the webcam is a well like um
C3: um um
A3: it’s it’s a bit different but whatever the field of vision it’s not huge i.e. you can’t necessarily see uh < me me me me me me me
C3: screens and all that >
A3: the idea is that I’m filming myself
C3: yes
A3: eh
C3: yes yes no we’re not going to overload it too much uh oh you can say here I’m clicking on this and here I’m on such and such an activity but we on that can help us we have a record of your clicks
A3: um well it < should
C3: so we know > but then maybe it’s to make the link between um here it is < between
A3: yeah >
C3: your reactions and the < clicks
A3: so um > at the start of the recording give the day, date and time
C3: yeah that could be good
A3: OK
C3: and that can be it yeah and when I get your info back
A3: hum hum
C3: that’s why I don’t know um in fact your computer will put a f- a video file on the hard disk but I don’t know where
A3: ahem
C3: erm so we’ll have to search for erm necessarily the videos from last week and then I think they’ll just appear they’ll have numbers and names erm < incomprehensible
A3: hmm hmm hmm >
C3: so if you’ve been able to spot, um, the dates
A3: hmm
C3: working dates your working dates we’ll rename the files with dates because otherwise um it’ll quickly become unmanageable
A3: OK, um, it works, um, we’ve got an appointment next week if I’m not mistaken
C3: I think so
A3: that was it
C3: yes
A3: and then the CD-rom part < because there’s
C3: yes >
A3: a lot of
C3: so that’s where we need to go now eh I’m going to look at it right away we’re going to look at it right away eh because so in it was in your resources to eh well already read since it was the first one eh that < interests you
A3: um >
C3: so erm it was erm it was mainly that the business +[lang=English] so I’m going to look at it I think I have the possibility of + so there you go yes that’s true it also allows me to tell you that CD-ROMs aren’t always very well made so l- this letter there
A3: um
C3: it’s there
A3: um [laughs]
C3: [laughing]
A3: OK
C3: and that’s useful information because CD-ROMs aren’t always < very well very well done
A3: it’s a real obstacle course here > you’re going to have to take uh
C3: a CD-rom < especially with
A3: [laughs] >
C3: a CD-rom is a bit
A3: hum hum
C3: ah well
A3: OK, it works
C3: it hasn’t been uh necessarily well often CD-Rom designers take you from there and take you there but by a totally constrained route
A3: hmm
C3: it’s that- it’s not very flexible < a CD-rom
A3: hum hum >
C3: so that’s the way it is
A3: OK
C3: I’d say it’s difficult, so I’ll try to find one for you so that you can use it
A3: hmm
C3: so the problem it’s going to create for us is that we won’t be able to keep track of what you’re doing because you won’t be
A3: ahem
C3: on the site, so I’ll ask you to say < I’ve got it
A3: yeah >
C3: worked on the CD-rom
A3: um < um yeah O.K. yeah
C3: um > so much time at last
A3: yeah yeah
C3: you see
A3: um
C3: but we won’t have any trace at all of what you’re actually doing, so in these moments of work it’s probably interesting that < you say
A3: OK >
C3: er you say I’m doing this I’m here and so on and so on and so on
A3: so I film the work session continuously
C3: if you don’t mind
A3: and then I’ll start, so after that it’s just a question of quantity, we’ll have to see what we come up with, that’s all.
C3: after that, you have to, erm, yes
A3: I’ve no idea, to be honest, what the volume of an hour’s video is like.
C3: erm it could be erm if I take < as a reference
A3: a film a film > that’s about seven hundred and seven hundred megas
C3: I think an hour is about three hundred megs
A3: yeah yeah well that’s good
C3: eh in those waters
A3: hmm
C3: we um your hard disk can handle a lot but um but after that we have to copy along the way we have to see for ourselves whether um yes or no it’s actually doing us any good
A3: hmm hmm
C3: is this what we wanted or not and if it’s more worthwhile, well < then we’ll leave you to it
A3: that’s why >
C3: take it easy with that < [laughs]
A3: that’s why > that’s why um I think it’s a good idea to put it in place um and bring it back the following week or whatever
C3: yes yes yes yes because for the follow-up yes < for our
A3: um >
C3: it’s also important for us to be able to have a look at the validity of what we’re asking you to do < too
A3: hum hum >
C3: in relation to research eh < it’s not worth it eh
A3: of course >
C3: so < there you go
A3: I ima- > I I I I can see the problem [laughs].
C3: [laughing]
A3: accumulation of materials uh
C3: yeah
A3: not easy
C3: there you go uh well listen uh
A3: I’ll get it back when next week < out right away
C3: right away > I’ll look at the top < I’ll look at the top
A3: OK >
C3: OK if it’s OK < like that
A3: it’s good for me >
C3: eh and so I disconnect so always disconnect < eh
A3: um >
C3: so that it keeps the < well your notes
A3: our traces yeah >
C3: well < everything that
A3: um >
C3: you’ll have entered so it’ll record it, eh?
A3: OK
C3: it’s very important < I’ll look for uh
A3: of course yeah >
C3: so the thing is, I’m going to stop it too, click.


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