Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 12 (C3_A3_1_12)


C3: so you have a number of tools
A3: um
C3: to help you with advice so < classified
A3: um >
C3: as I told you forum it won’t concern you because in fact it’s when there are a lot of learners in a centre < [laughs].
A3: yeah right >
C3: they’re put in a forum with each other < so here we are
A3: yeah yeah >
C3: well um it doesn’t work and then well the directory is the same because in any case um so [laughs] I’ve put you in a false centre anyway
A3: yeah yeah right
C3: a parallel version of the centre I didn’t put you in the Paris centre
A3: hmm
C3: these people were people who had done tests or were colleagues of mine < or
A3: um >
C3: so there you go < er well
A3: well, of course, yes >
C3: on the face of it, you don’t need all that < it’s not your concern [laughs].
A3: no, I’ll probably do *** so you liked that [laughs] >
C3: [laughing] So here’s what’s going to interest you most of all: media library advice < my
A3: OK >
C3: office with necessarily the < these
A3: hmm hmm >
C3: elements there eh uh my messages eh well for the moment uh [laughter] it’s another way of accessing them you have well c- c- so another way of accessing them compared to earlier when we had < my mailbox
A3: um >
C3: on the other hand, the mailbox tells you when there’s one that’s < unread
A3: um >
C3: so it’s more like this
A3: um
C3: roughly speaking, and this is the same, it’s
A3: yeah yeah
C3: it’s bogus, if I can put it that way because < um
A3: it doesn’t concern me >
C3: well, in the real centre there’s everything < everything that is
A3: yeah yeah yeah >
C3: um information there will be < a workshop
A3: um >
C3: on such and such a theme etc. but of course here it’s < it’s not
A3: um >
C3: that’s not the case, eh?
A3: very good < clear
C3: the system >
A3: very clear we’re uh that seems accessible to me we’ll say not just from a technical point of view we’ll say uh I’d say from my willingness to take part in the process and then uh and then to work uh because uh it seems organised to me
C3: hum hum
A3: erm, and then it seems to me, we’ll say erm, above all identified in relation to targeted in relation to my needs
C3: there you go
A3: and I find that by expressing needs I already think that it’s a way of understanding each other in terms of language
C3: yeah
A3: er well that’s how I felt about it
C3: hmm hmm hmm
A3: and it also allows me, um well, to clarify my own objectives and perhaps continue with my objectives
C3: hum hum there you go, so that’s why, actually, if you’re – if you’re, according to what you’re telling me, more the type to focus on an < objective
A3: hum hum >
C3: to go into it in depth and then move on to the second and so on and so forth.
A3: hum hum
C3: um put it into practice because you’re going to see your self-assessments < too
A3: there > yes
C3: um when you’ve said well this one’s good < et cetera
A3: hum hum >
C3: you’ll see that you’re actually < making progress
A3: hum >
C3: eh uh now uh well here if you decide to do < uh in a way here it is
A3: well, that would be the purpose of the meetings, precisely to > be able to say or um, in the end, have I kept to the course of action I’d set myself at the start or have I changed it and why I’ve changed all that < that’s something we can discuss
C3: finally > here’s the reason for our meetings: it’s really so that you can say I’ve had a problem because you’re bound to have some, I imagine, or else < erm
A3: um >
C3: If you don’t have any, that’s fine < [laughs].
A3: [laughs ] yeah >
C3: maybe after all um you’ll tell me no well everything’s fine but I’ll ask you anyway um necessarily to see you again um even if you tell me < that everything’s fine
A3: yeah > but I doubt I’ll come to that conclusion
C3: and then you’ll have um things that surprise you questions that come to you things like that we < we are
A3: hum hum >
C3: here to talk about < eh?
A3: um >
C3: you can write to me < about anything
A3: yeah >
C3: even between appointments < possibly
A3: well, I > was thinking of using the messaging system, um, to send printouts and then, um
C3: you can also do that < erm
A3: and then > um put um let’s say questions um < which will save me time
C3: absolutely >
A3: we’ll try to remember the questions that < I had to ask and then we’ll have them, what?
C3: um um yeah absolutely > absolutely we can do that we can < do that
A3: yeah >
C3: you can put your questions here, well I’ve got a problem of this type, so sometimes I’ll be able to help you out remotely before we meet if it’s a < problem, eh?
A3: yes um >
C3: we’ll see < the type of problem
A3: we’ll see we’ll see yeah >
C3: OK, so um what else would there be I don’t know um
A3: well, send me an address [laughs].
C3: That’s clear, you’ll need the address anyway and I’ll also send you < your login details
A3: yeah >
C3: password even if you have them I think < you have them
A3: so >
C3: noted
A3: That’s the second thing, the second thing is more technical, it’s um about the recording methods you want us to set up for um with the webcam
C3: yes
A3: Do you want to tell me how you want us to proceed?
C3: a priori if you’ve got so um so it depends on what you’re going to use
A3: do you have, um, let’s say, um, a software program recommended for recording and then we’ll throw the thing out or I’ll manage to, um, record myself and I’ll transfer the things that I’ve got to you?
C3: so > er precisely < so
A3: because > there’s a risk of arriving at < heavy quantities
C3: that’s it I think that > what we need to start doing honestly I’m going to go by trial and error
A3: yeah
C3: because I don’t have any technical support um I don’t have any special instructions < um to
A3: hmm hmm >
C3: give you some management instructions afterwards
A3: erm, what I’d suggest is that I start recording myself to see what it’s like < for
C3: yeah >
A3: to have elements < that are
C3: um >
A3: which are being put in place and then um to bring you back the elements um at each meeting
C3: that’s what I was thinking too, it just depends a bit on what the medium is, if you’re working on a desktop or at home or on a laptop, because if it’s on a desktop I’ll have to lend you a medium so that you can copy.
A3: erm well < already me well me already
C3: your files >
A3: one it’s a laptop I don’t have a landline >
C3: ah well ok < so that’s that that’s already good well that’s easy
A3: so that’s c- c- that’s the but it won’t change anything you have to transfer >
C3: no, it’s true that you have to transfer, but on the other hand, when you set up- well, you can- we could very well envisage at that point, um…
A3: do you have an external hard drive, for example, that I can transfer to < ***?
C3: so I > I’ll have to see if I’m allowed to take it out < lend it to you
A3: no no no > you don’t take it out, you bring it back to the appointment < we do it here
C3: ah well yes > that yes < that’s quite possible at the same time yeah
A3: we do it we do it um we do it during > the appointment
C3: yes, absolutely that’s perfectly feasible
A3: um
C3: yes yes yes afterwards we’ll have to see if we can manage the quantity how < well that uh
A3: um you have to look at the size of the file >.
C3: it’s also the volume < um
A3: because then > you can put them on the internet on download sites
C3: um yes except that I’d have to identify which one but yes yes of course yes we could also do that afterwards to get it I’d have to ask the question um to other people as our um technician isn’t here I’d have to find another resource person for me < for me
A3: um >
C3: give this


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