Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 10 (C3_A3_1_10)


C3: then we have situations
A3: hmm
C3: so it’s the same if I put something like that in the bank, in my opinion we’re at zero < because we’re not in the
A3: [laughs] >
C3: well oh although after all we’ll go and see we’ll do it out of curiosity it’s not going to work we’ve still got < three more [laughs] >
A3: three >
C3: but it’s getting really tight and then what do I want to do with it < well I don’t know
A3: OK >
C3: I can do that now, it’s more at the level of < of you see activities of of of
A3: yeah yeah yeah >
C3: language learning activities so that’s how it works you made a mistake, you cancel the selection
A3: um
C3: and that puts you back to the previous state < eh
A3: um >
C3: that’s the media library it’s f- another way of accessing resources the machine doesn’t do it according to your objectives < uh
A3: it’s more > free
C3: it’s really about consulting < all the media
A3: um >
C3: what
A3: ahem
C3: so um there you go it can also be good < sometimes of
A3: yeah yeah yeah >
C3: d’- d’y aller par là l’onglet conseil va vous permettre d’accéder à énormément de alors c’sont des textes en fait hein à lire sur euh différents qui sont classés en fait euh de différentes façons
A3: hmm hmm
C3: so, for example, you’ve- you decide to work on one of the text documents but you don’t know how to choose a text document < you don’t know
A3: um >
C3: how to work with < a document
A3: um >
C3: so obviously there’s not everything, eh?
A3: hum hum
C3: but er you you you have < er anyway
A3: so here in the same way >
C3: that’s broad working on < comprehension
A3: um >
C3: written it’s < your uh
A3: hum hum >
C3: that’s what interests you
A3: hum hum
C3: so eventually it might be interesting d- to go and read in there it’s classified by ability too
A3: I felt like sneezing but it passed [laughs].
C3: so um
A3: hum
C3: read here if you want to have a- also good I don’t know what will speak to you < you’ll see
A3: hum hum >
C3: but you can < investigate a bit
A3: no but c- c- in any case it interests me > um to read the elements that are given it’s finally in terms of understanding in relation to
C3: understand what you’re < doing in what way
A3: yeah exactly yeah >
C3: you could work on um um what are the ideas that can sometimes perhaps block us a bit < well
A3: um >
C3: eh paralyse us um here are some ideas we might have and then there’s some advice that’s much more general
A3: to learn
C3: so um learning a language um um what is it it starts with a little thing
A3: um
C3: a little test < on your on your
A3: it’s interesting because > yeah exactly yeah hum hum
C3: there you go, so you see it’s a whole
A3: hmm
C3: it’s a whole part, um, dedicated to helping you learn
A3: hmm
C3: and then with resources you learn English
A3: ahem
C3: but
A3: we < we have the elements
C3: we have we have the two parts >
A3: of the system and the elements for understanding the system
C3: there < that’s it
A3: what I like >
C3: there you go [laughs] so there’s all that eh so um well you can see in there that you have advice um on how to use for example a corpus or a concordancer which are tools that you shouldn’t be too familiar with a priori
A3: um no
C3: and so it can be quite useful because there are some that are directly linked, um, from the site you can go there
A3: ahem
C3: erm so erm so there are also erm explanations of erm what you can do with it so what’s interesting if you like compared to what you know as a tool when you’re stuck is a dictionary
A3: yeah
C3: O.K. so there are dictionaries, they’re part of these tools, you see so ah well I’ll have to see do you have a headset with a microphone?
A3: yes
C3: because in fact we’re going to suggest but well um that will be when you work on your objective three [laughs] for the expression < we’re going to um
A3: yeah >
C3: we’ll offer to enr- de de you < register
A3: um >
C3: so we’ll need to have that ah well then even um if we also want to have your reactions um
A3: yeah, I’ve got it, I’ve got it, there’s no problem
C3: it’ll be good if we, um, we don’t just have your, um, film < but that, possibly
A3: um >
C3: if you have any spontaneous reactions to a document I don’t know what < eh that
A3: um >
C3: you have the microphone then < also, eh?
A3: o.k. >
C3: so that’s it, that’s part of it, perhaps we’ll come back to it later.
A3: ahem
C3: it’s to record you in fact
A3: OK
C3: this is for consulting all your notes
A3: ahem
C3: so every time you enter notes
A3: it will accumulate and we can read it
C3: That’s it, you’ll be able to come back, well, we haven’t put them there, so they’re not filed, so either you have all your notes, or the notes you took when you were reading when < you were listening
A3: um >
C3: et cetera et cetera and they’ll be displayed so you can, let’s say, find a bit of a trace um so these were the notes and here < um the tools
A3: um >
C3: um um there you have it so Google you must know [laughs] and be very familiar with the automatic translator no doubt also Wikipedia and so there you have it you have three corpora
A3: hum hum
C3: you’ll also find here
A3: I agree with the advice
C3: advice on how to use them


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