Advisor 3, Learner 3: Interview 1, Extract 1 (C3_A3_1_1)


C3: [laughing]
A3: Well, we’ll manage.
C3: [laughing] so it doesn’t matter, I’ll just turn on the computer < because
A3: yeah >
C3: later we’re going to look at um um well in a little while eh I’m going to < I’m going to look at it
A3: um >
C3: connect um and then um yeah I’ll have to start it up too here it should start up I can’t see the sound indicator so is it working yes it’s moving I’ll put it um on something here so all these various hiccups we’ll take this here go it’ll be good < [laughs]
A3: [laughs] >
C3: Right, um, so to try and get a grasp of all this, we’ve already seen each other once
A3: yes
C3: but I had taken < notes
A3: [laughs] >
C3: erm, what we’re going to do is, I’m going to show you today, erm, how the < works.
A3: um >
C3: of the site < how you
A3: um >
C3: you can manage to uh look for uh
A3: ahem
C3: working documents um um do you have any questions or things that came to mind < in relation to this system, compared to the information meeting we had last time?
A3: no, that seems clear to me > and erm I’m erm I’m more and more motivated
C3: [laughs] Well, that’s it < [laughs]
A3: so there you go >
C3: that’s perfect, eh, that’s very good, so, um, what we’re going to do, um, so the aim today is for you to leave with, um, a vision of, um, more or less
A3: I’m taking notes
C3: Yes, yes, yes, I’ll let you take your equipment.
A3: here we go
C3: by the time he’s settled in we’ve [laughs] got plenty of time, so my aim today is for you to have at least one or two objectives in mind < de de
A3: um >
C3: of work
A3: OK
C3: to be able to start
A3: um
C3: well, the work < and then
A3: um um >
C3: in relation to my role, which is to advise you and help you < help you
A3: hum hum >
C3: to support you in all your choices about learning um um well it’s based on what you’ve done
A3: hmm hmm
C3: that I’ll advise you as you go along < eh so we’ll
A3: OK, so we’ll do it as we go along >
C3: here we are a bit < um
A3: um >
C3: there you go
A3: very good
C3: in an approach to support, as we say, which is necessarily progressive and which depends on < you
A3: on my > on my work
C3: [laughs] yes < [laughs]
A3: and I don’t have the questions >
C3: there you go, because if you don’t have anything to give me in the way of support < erm
A3: hmm hmm >
C3: to hang < advice
A3: hum hum >
C3: etcetera we won’t make any progress
A3: OK
C3: I’m not going to tell you that < learning is like that
A3: yeah yeah I understand- I understand well >
C3: OK, so here’s the idea I’m connected now, so I’ll soon be able to take you to this site, so it’s a site that’s been designed to be used in a centre < that is
A3: um um >
C3: is in Paris so um you’ll have access to the vast majority < but not
A3: um >
C3: all of it
A3: OK
C3: of the documents because there are in fact documents which are um which are um stored um well yes stored on a local server there
A3: OK
C3: well, it’s everything that’s on CD-ROM and so on that people use < direct
A3: um >
C3: on the machines and so on, so remotely it’s part of the data that you won’t have but on the other hand um um how would you go about it if you ever really um found that there’s a resource that um that you’re really interested in and that’s just inaccessible in inverted commas < due to
A3: um >
C3: because of that, um, you’d have, um, at that point, you’re off to a good start [laughs], excuse me, I’m doing two things at once, you’d have, um, l- at that point, the possibility, it all depends on your computer and < its equipment
A3: um >
C3: what operating system are you in?
A3: ah \systèm exploitation1\
C3: ah so that’s going to be a problem so if need be I’ll lend you a < computer that’s still on
A3: yes, but I have > others in \operatingsystem1\ < uh yes, there you go
C3: in X.P. here we are > because in fact the DVDs, er, well not the DVDs, sorry, the CDs, the DVD-ROMs, the CD-ROMs we actually have
A3: um
C3: acquired for uh that uh are prior to seven
A3: OK
C3: there’s a risk that it won’t < work under operating system 1
A3: no but um > at the service level I also have other computers with \operating system1\ on them
C3: OK then, could I know what’s wrong with that one?


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