Advisor 2, Learner 2: Interview 5, Extract 3 (C2_A2_5_3)


A15: I’ll come with you tomorrow

C2: well, in that case, I’ll just have to see how quickly we can get together < when is that?

A15: OK >

C2: do you want to see each other again in a week or in a fortnight or in ten days?

A15: er

C2: well the idea is that you < have a

A15: *** >

C2: a bit of work

A15: yes

C2: if there’s no problem I don’t have to come back < or if

A15: um >

C2: there’s nothing to discuss or if you’re not you can also take advantage of the fact that I’m here to show me where you stand < oh well

A15: OK >

C2: I was able to do that um

A15: OK

C2: erm, it’s worked well for that and it’s not just the problems we can discuss, we can also discuss positive things [laughs] well < eh, that’s really not out of the question hien

A15: OK, OK >

C2: so now we can decide either I leave you my e-mail address or I write to you, or we can exchange addresses.

A15: OK

C2: and then we can write to each other to arrange < another meeting how do you see it?

A15: OK, OK > oh I would have suggested in a week’s time

C2: yes

A15: to um tell you if I’ve at least been able to < familiarise myself with um

C2: yes yes >

A15: er the thing

C2: < yes

A15: and then > well afterwards um there um

C2: yes so we’ll see you in a week

A15: yes


C2: we’ll take stock

A15: that’s it

C2: where you are now, what you’ve been working on and then at that point

A15: we could e-mail them, yes

C2: yes, of course

A15: yes

C2: so, what’s your preferred day? I can’t do Mondays, I’ve got lessons < and I can do Mondays

A15: yes >

C2: I don’t have lessons on Thursdays, so, um, Tuesdays aren’t really for me Wednesdays aren’t a bad day for me

A15: right < Wednesday

C2: and > 1pm 2pm

A15: erm I’d say two o’clock < because if

C2: yes >

A15: I’m here at 1pm to < work

C2: yes >

A15: and at the same time I’m putting in- I won’t have uh

C2: yes

A15: I’ll be < more at

C2: yes very good very good so >

A15: fourteen < hours

C2: that > suits me

A15: so I’ve got time to work and then

C2: but that’s if I come and < you don’t have enough time

A15: um >

C2: nothing more to do, we won’t be able to talk much < more eh?

A15: yes >


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