A2: I think it’s the spoken word, er, well, I’m not going to say it doesn’t correspond too much, but when I speak orally in Italian, well, I don’t really imagine that it’s written like that, in fact.
C2: explain that to me
A2: *** well when I- well when I speak Italian orally
C2: yes
A2: I find it hard well I don’t know what it is maybe I’m not used to seeing Italian texts yet but I have the impression that I’m surprised to see um spelling like that
C2: OK, so you’re surprised by the discrepancy between the way it’s spelt
A2: hmm
C2: and how it’s said
A2: ahem
Corpus themes: How do you check with the learner that you have understood their request correctly (when the advisor rephrases what the learner has said)? -