Advisor 2, Learner 2: Interview 3, Extract 1 (C2_A2_3_1)


C2: and um, if we could find a native Italian speaker to come here towards the end of November to meet you and talk to you for half an hour or an hour, it could be an hour, do you think that would help you a bit?

A2: prepare a text for example or

C2: either a text with things about you or questions

A2: yeah

C2: erm, a text, it depends what you mean by text < how you

ben prendre > des traces ben prendre des plutôt des avoir des notes et puis euh oui tu as le < droit d’avoir

A2: yeah >

C2: notes you n- you’ve written down two or three things about the things you want to say um you’ve got them you’ve got a framework like that so you’re not lost you can use them to prepare things to say about yourself to say about the world I don’t know eh I like Lorraine because well < I don’t know what you want

A2: hum hum >

C2: what um and things to ask her or him yes you can have notes that you can

A2: yeah well yeah yeah

C2: and do you think this could help you to

A2: well, I think there’s a really good bit of, er, conversation

C2: well yeah

A2: as I saw in the summary

C2: so um if, for example, the native speaker could be brought in by the end of November that would leave something like a fortnight, three weeks, do you think that between now and then you can say um there I’ve got a fortnight, three weeks to try and prepare my storyline, my little scenario, things like that, so when < you go to read it

A2: um >

C2: your book you’d be more focused on that that’s useful to me that’s what I want that’s what I want to be able to say you could select a hierarchy like you told me the other time

A2: yeah yeah

C2: for example

A2: yeah why not yeah


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