Advisor 2, Learner 15: Interview 2, Extract 4 (C2_A15_2_4)


C2: the best indicator of your progress is yourself, i.e. saying to yourself, well, this thing here, the last time I listened to it, it took four listens before I could make a bit of sense of it, but I’m going to listen to it again a week later ah and then after the first listen I realise that, well, I’ve memorised things and it’s no longer as unfamiliar

A15: yeah

C2: and that’s c- c- that’s where your feeling of progress comes from

A15: OK < O.K. yeah

C2: eh you have to > also trust yourself so these are aids but this c- it’s for an ideal learner who doesn’t really exist either so er you see a little < a little the idea

A15: um all right > yes yes


Corpus themes: How can learners be valued and encouraged? -