Advisor 2, Learner 15: Interview 2, Extract 3 (C2_A15_2_3)


A15: erm well the first two I’d found but that for example I can’t understand [Soundtrack of document] < I can’t understand the fourth either

C2: ah well I’ll tell you something yeah >

A15: I can’t even < try to make up a word afterwards

C2: ah ah no but > I’m going to you know what it’s logical these sentences are taken out of context they’re decontextualized you have no idea what they’re talking about so I put my ear to the ground uh I’ll tell you eh in the first one it’s someone who says um I’ve got three boys and one and um and you’ve got to find out it’s a girl and then the other one says he likes music he likes rhythm and blues but obviously if you have no idea what they’re talking about then it’s called prediction

A15: < um

C2: but in > fact you can’t really make a prediction < so you have to, there you go

A15: at all [laughs] at all >

C2: so you see, exercises can be good or bad


Corpus themes: How can learners be valued and encouraged? -