A15: I often make a little effort and go to the American library there.
C2: yes
A15: and um I take books but really for children
C2: yes
A15: but I can’t read a paragraph without my dictionary
C2: okay, so I think it’s a good idea to do that, um, including with children’s books, um, well, you shouldn’t, um < you shouldn’t segregate children’s reading
A15: oh [laughs] >
C2: and reading for adults, so what you said about taking the dictionary gives me an idea of the difficulties you encounter when faced with an English text, but I’m just going to take advantage of the fact that perhaps we won’t go into more detail another time < um
A15: OK >
C2: the fact that understanding doesn’t always mean understanding all the words i.e. in the way the brain processes things
A15: OK
C2: um sometimes understanding means I haven’t understood all the words but I’ve understood what’s expected of me I’ve understood what I’m being asked to < do
A15: um >
C2: and I know how to act or react