Advisor 2, Learner 15: Interview 1, Extract 3 (C2_A15_1_3)


C2: so that’s the idea, so what do you think of all this + so if I’ve done things right in my pocket we’ve put this one in but we could have < as well

A15: yeah >

C2: put another one on, so do you see what you’ll have to do next time you come to the language centre?

A15: yes

C2: you can tell me

A15: erm < I’m coming in erm [laughs]

C2: just so that I’m sure I’m leaving you there, because we’re not going to > see each other every time

A15: yes

C2: first you’re going to work a bit < er on your own

A15: yes yes >

C2: try things out and then we’ll meet again to discuss them

A15: OK, yeah


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