Advisor 2, Learner 10: Interview 1, Extract 1 (C2_A10_1_1)


C2: there you go, learning to listen to Italian, so there, um, you’ll find links to resources for working on listening comprehension, so listening in particular, you’ll be able to find audio documents with transcriptions, so you can see what transcriptions are.

A10: er no

C2: so for example you’ve got um I don’t know I’m going to say anything a weather report in Italian

A10: yes

C2: and you can find download um as if it were dictation as if we’d done the dictation of the weather report so the written version < that’s it that’s it

A10: O.K. >

C2: the written version in Italian and it’s true that when you practise to understand being able to see the written text < that makes it easier

A10: it’s easier > to memorise

C2: well above all it gives you time to think about things because Italian is quite similar to < French after all


Corpus themes: How do you explain to a learner how to work on listening comprehension with a transcribed document? -