Advisor 1, Learner 17: Interview 1, Extract 1 (C1_A17_1_1)


C1: when you want to listen to a document and + see- and give yourself every chance of better understanding what you can do before listening to the document is possibly to do some preliminary research on the theme of the document so that’s for listening < O.K.

A17: hum hum >

C1: so we know it’s friends talking about thailand, its festivals and its food for example you can go to my tools + there and then use either the online encyclopaedia \encyclopédieenligne\ in English or French or the search engine \moteurderecherche\ to which you have access from here to do a search you can put in for example Thailand festival Thailand food and look for information about this country that you’re likely to hear in the document you’re going to listen to if you help if you prepare if you prepare your ears to hear things you’ll find it that much easier to hear them all right


Corpus themes: What activities should be offered to beginners or learners who are not very comfortable with the language? -