Advisor 1, Learner 1: Interview 1b, Extract 2 (C1_A1_1b_2)


C1: can you find > the summary in its entirety so we can see that it’s a video which is part of a series of interviews on the company’s activities this extract is the first in the series devoted to \nom\ he introduces himself and answers the question can you tell us about yourself here it is

A1: Um, yeah, right < yeah

C1: Good > O.K.

A1: Absolutely

C1: so this is um it’s a document we call an authentic document it’s not something that’s been done for learning English it’s really someone introducing himself in the context of his business in fact

A1: OK < O.K.

C1: it’s an > English speaker

A1: < hum hum hum hum

C1: um who um introduces himself > certainly in front of a camera so

A1: yes yes

C1: but um but there but he does it um < like

A1: there > as if he was in an interview for a

C1: < that’s it

A1: voilà > um ok

C1: you see here that we have acti- here in this Activities tab we see that listening it’s selected in orange

A1: < yeah

C1: that means that there are > activities behind and what you want to do at the moment is not yet work on comprehension it’s not < work on listening comprehension

A1: hmm hmm hmm >

C1: it’s mainly working on expression

A1: < O.K.

C1: and for- > do you agree?

A1: ah yes yes absolutely + [pron=tafe] yeah

C1: and so to work on expression um what would be what is interesting to do is already your objective is to talk about yourself and talk about your job before even going to see the resources perhaps make a point about in French what would you say?

A1: ah yes

C1: before, um, before we do anything, we might do a sort of < brainstorming +[lang=English] what?

A1: yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

C1: in French > qu’est-ce que vous diriez

A1: sur sur < sur mon

C1: sur vous >

A1: s- s- about me or about my job

C1: both

A1: < d’accord

C1: in particular > a little bit for < example

A1: yeah >

C1: you’re going to meet the English speaker

A1: < there you go

C1: you are going to introduce yourself

A1: and I have to introduce myself to the English speaker and say what I do

C1: and then > we’ll say that since your needs are both personal and < professional

A1: yeah >

C1: Well, you’re going to talk a bit about yourself personally, so < you know what you want, um

A1: um yes yes yes absolutely yeah yeah yeah yeah >

C1: there you go situation < family

A1: right > um yeah

C1: here I identi- I well here you see eh uh well < it’s you who ***

A1: yes what I do is as if > to the limit as if it were a bit like a job interview or um

C1: there you go

A1: < um

C1: and then > afterwards to talk about your duties as a v- < your job

A1: hum hum hum >

C1: and that might also allow you to reuse some < vocabulary

A1: ok >

C1: a little of the um to go and find um to go and see a little of the lexicon which um is specific to insurance

A1: OK

C1: so, perhaps we can start by reviewing the situation in French

A1: < hum hum hum

C1: first of all what > would you say and then before even going to see um what these these these good people are saying < about them

A1: hmm hmm > hmm hmm

C1: because these good people p- maybe they don’t work in insurance, eh?

A1: < no ***

C1: but they talk >


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