C1: and you have needs, so we’ve seen personal needs and then you also have professional needs and, um, so which entry would you like to take, knowing that, um, for example, if you want to go quickly, um, um, well, m- v- go, well, um f-.
A1: < quickly what
C1: meet with you
A1: yeah yeah yeah hum hum hum hum hum hum
C1: um quickly to be able > to express yourself
A1: hum hum < hum
C1: um > you can already set yourself an initial goal in oral expression < oral
A1: quite > absolutely
C1: extremely concrete and as I explained to you before the one to one +[lang=English] it’s you who defines what you’re going to do so well during a first meeting it can be um for example you can talk about you your prof- profession
A1: yeah
C1: get to know < \locuteurnatif\ and then test you a little bit
A1: yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah > um
C1: You can also, um, go straight to the heart of the matter, i.e. you can, um, give her, um, a sort of simulation where she, um, writes in English and, um, comes, um, to your, um…
A1: < in my agency um
C1: in your um in your agency > um to ask you for insurance < specific a loan
A1: OK yeah yeah yeah >