A1: at one point it was more fluent than at other times, if you like, and when I had a good level my maximum level at the time when I came back from Ireland it wasn’t bad, if you like, but there you go, there you go now, there you go, where I’m at, so I’m talking about Ireland it was in four-twenties. vingt euh je j’ai eu mon bac ah ouais quatre-vingt-cinq ça devait être en quatre-vingt-sept quatre-vingt-huit vous voyez
C1: yes yes yes
A1: eighties yeah my first job was in nineties so there you go and we’re in two thousand and ten so er there you go and since then if you like I haven’t had the opportunity well in any case in a professional relationship ever
C1: yes
A1: so I-I did I did a training course because um in I qu- in I in eighty it was when it was in eighty-ninety-nine in two thousand I left a job and I did a training course
C1: < hum hum
A1: where there > where there I f- took English lessons I took English lessons < um
C1: it was > classic courses < um
A1: it was > courses courses um au- audios and there was < um
C1: yeah >
A1: there was also an English-speaker it was with the pff it was um with the the the \organismismism well um I didn’t have any English lessons
C1: < yeah
A1: so > now I’m a bit more up to speed if you like
C1: < yes
A1: mais bon > après comme évidemment je ne parle pas anglais euh dans le poste que j’ai occupé par la suite donc voilà après vous reperdez et cetera enfin vous voyez donc j’ai toujours maintenu un petit peu donc parfois on a l’impression que j’ai un donc un niveau euh pas trop mal mais moi je sais que c’est pas < euh
C1: that >
A1: I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not one hundred percent at all at all