Advisor 1, Learner 1: Interview 1a, Extract 3 (C1_A1_1a_3)


or- what would be interesting is if, in a future interview, we could see how we could make the most of all this because < time

A1: the clock > is ticking eh < the clock is ticking

C1: you know > what, the clock is ticking so fast that we haven’t actually discovered the portal together yet, er \prénomapprenant\

A1: hmm

C1: and it’s ten to

A1: OK, so we’ve got ten minutes to discover the portal < to discover the portal

C1: it’s going to be > it’s going to be quite uh quite intense uh you’ve got a uh constraint < uh

A1: no, I’ve got > there, there, there, I’m at your place until 1 p.m.

C1: you’re here until one o’clock, I’m just going to check with um my colleague um at reception um

A1: < but afterwards, yes

C1: that I should relay > to see if I can

A1: < yeah

C1: to allow me > to continue a little with you because I’d be a little frustrated anyway

A1: < ***

C1: that we hadn’t discovered > the portal together and then especially that we hadn’t recorded an initial < work objective

A1: hmm hmm > all right

C1: so if you’ll allow me < just one in-

A1: Please go ahead >


Corpus themes: How can I manage my interview time? -