Advisor 1, Learner 1: Interview 1a, Extract 2 (C1_A1_1a_2)


C1: so you also > need, well um se- it also comes out, well your needs also come out a little bit from the professional < framework, eh?

A1: ah yes yes yes yes yes >

C1: there’s also a bit of personal stuff

A1: ah yes yes < yes yes

C1: yes yes > well um you’ve got a hundred and twenty hours I think

A1: < ah well yes *** yes yes no no I think that

C1: that we’ll be able to um we’ll be able to do > a bit of all that so I needed yeah to specify a bit um < the context in which um

A1: I think – I think I even think > that it’s almost fifty-fifty < eh?

C1: it’s > all right + so for me it < it’s some it’s some

A1: yeah yeah yeah >

C1: It’s data, but for me it’s important, isn’t it?


Corpus themes: How do you get learners to talk about their needs? -