Extracts from advisory interviews

This section of Coalea brings together a corpus of extracts from consultancy interviews described and classified according to several criteria.

To make it easier for you to consult these resources, we have set up several systems for organising/filtering the corpus so that you can more easily access the extracts that meet your needs. Here is a description of the options available :

  • If you would like to follow a learner or advisor through several extracts or hear several extracts from the same series, consult the presentation of the corpus by learner series.
  • If you would like to observe extracts where certain themes are raised, consult the presentation of extracts by theme.
  • If you are a learner and you are wondering how certain acts of advice or speech take place in this situation, consult our classification by question.
Explanation of nomenclature

Extracts are named according to a nomenclature that is always the same. The following example and the associated comments will help you enter it:










Anonymous code assigned to the advisor

Anonymous code allocated to the learner

Service number

Extract number

The example above can be read as follows: ‘This is the third extract from the second interview between advisor C2 and learner A7’.

Explanation of transcription conventions

The extracts were transcribed in accordance with the conventions of the TCOF corpus (Atilf), details of which are given below :


* or *** : a syllable or word is incomprehensible in the sound file and has therefore not been transcribed.

< >: the chevrons are used to indicate ‘overlaps’, i.e. times when both speakers are speaking at the same time.

\ \ : the slashes are used to indicate anonymised elements in the corpus; they contain a description of the nature of the content so that we can understand what it is about.

[ ] : square brackets are used to indicate information other than the exact speech produced by the speakers, for example a laugh or the reading of an audio document during the interview.