Get advice

What does it mean to be advised ?

You learn a language independently… “Independently” does not mean “on your own”!

At the Language Resource Centre (LRC), you can receive support from an adviser throughout your language learning.

    • What happens at a counselling interview ?
      At the first meeting, the adviser will explain all the possibilities offered by the LRC and help you to define your learning objectives.
      Then, as often as you like, he or she will offer you individual support at your own pace, according to your needs. They are familiar with the resources and materials available and will help you find the ones that suit you best.
      They will help you to build your progress and organise a learning programme.
    • How long does an appointment last ?
      In general, your advisor will spend between 30 and 45 minutes per session with you.
    • What questions can I ask my advisor?
      You can ask the advisor any questions you have about your language learning.
      He or she will be happy to discuss any problems you are having.
      The academic year started a long time ago, can I still make an appointment?
      You are free to make an appointment whenever you like, whenever you need to, at any time of the year.
    • What if I don’t know where to start?
      This is exactly the right time to meet an advisor who can help you clarify how to get where you want to be.
    • How many appointments should I make?
      You decide the frequency and number of your appointments with the advisor.