
Multimodal Room

Espace de travail : la salle vidéoThis workspace includes :

  • an Oral Expression room (room 3), for conversation sessions in small groups (maximum 8 people) led by a native speaker.
  • a Games area, where small groups can play one of the many games available in several languages.
  • a Video area : with 5 sets of TVs and DVD-VHS players at your disposal. Each set has 2 headphones and allows you to work alone or with a friend on the same document..

    You can also :

      • watch a channel live
      • or watch one of the Centre’s videos (to choose one, consult the catalogue)

    In this room you can also :

      • read comics and graphic novels in foreign languages
      • work in small groups when space is available.

Multimedia Room

Espace de travail la salle Multimédia

This MULTIMEDIA workspace includes 20 computers giving you access to different language software and CD-ROMs.

You will also be able to access websites to which CLYC has subscribed and other selected sites (Resources for learning or COALEA’s learner space).


Other themed areas are also available:

  • a Listening area with 4 audio CD + USB players
  • a Reading area with magazines and newspapers in various languages that can be consulted on site
  • a Vocable area (audio CD and transcriptions of the latest issue of Vocable in German, English and Spanish)
  • an Advice area reserved for advice sessions

Two speaking rooms :

  • to conversation sessions in small groups (maximum 5 people) led by a native speaker 
  • to practise presentations with a camera and video recorder (room 1)

Learning support documents to show you the best methods and techniques for learning.