Distance learning LRC

The University of Lorraine’s (distance) Language Resource Centres offer distance workshops, conversations and advice sessions. Priority is given to university students and staff who live on a campus far from a language resource centre.

The LRCs are open to everyone, wherever you are!

Register by consulting the global calendar.

Languages taught at CLYC

► German

► English

► Russian

► Chinese (Mandarin)


► Portugese

► Spanish

► French

► Italian

Location and times


21, street Charles Perrault
88 025 Épinal

Our opening times 
Monday to Thursady : 8.30 am – 12pm and 1pm – 5.30 pm
Friday : 8.30 am to 1pm

Contact us
E-mail : lansad-imagilang-contact@univ-lorraine.fr

Our team

Anaïs Touhami
Ingénieure pédagogique
Camille Jolly
Co-responsable du centre
Espace Langues
José Mendes
Responsable du centre
Marc Schires
Directeur du département CRL
CRL à distance
Sandrine Windstein
Co-responsable du centre
Espace Langues